10 main commandments of the Bible. Ten Commandments

“Whoever has delved into the law thoroughly, the law of freedom, and has been in the new world, being unheard of and forgetful, and if you are a Vikonite, you will be blessed in your life.”

(James 1:25)

God's law for people

Why is it easy for you to see the light, who has no evil? It’s melodious, especially as you read and hear every day, and see evil of all kinds - thefts, armed attacks and robberies, murders, robbery. Fahivtsi talk about a new, as one might say, clear zeal for malice.

The world has known evil since before, and there has never been such a time when evil was so secretly concealed under the guise of legality and so cleverly distinguished from legal punishment, as in our days.

When the moral fervor of the people declines to such an extent that every effort is made to comply with the laws, the thought suddenly arises that not everything is right in the world of marriage. How can we explain such ignorance of the laws, and where have people learned this?

The therapy begins with the family; tse – persha school of ditini. If you teach children that the law of God - His commandments - is not to be forgotten, that this law protects stealing, killing, deceiving, cheating, impersonating elders - then the youth, entering life, will receive a moral support sufficient for the understanding of civil laws and I'm vykonannya. And finally, if we teach the younger generation that the law of God is not needed, but that it is completely untrue, and it can be ruined without punishment, then the youth should be careful not only to the law of God, but also to all laws. One flows from the other. How is it possible, without regard for the law of God, at the same time to defy the laws created by people?

It appears that children need education for inheritance. Who will be their ethical, moral and spiritual ideal? The old men often bark, fight and fool each other. And the children are still busy. Feasts, fights and separation will heal the deep wounds in their hearts. Who can teach children to treat them well from the bad, since the fathers cannot and do not want to earn money? It’s naive to think what a school is worth. Today's food: who means what is good and what is bad? Even at times, people can make good judgments ahead of time.

Criterion of good and evil

Without the criterion of good and evil, we can justify practically everything. We can steal in order to get out of this cramped camp; earn the good fortune we deserve, and kill the people who stand on our way. The Bible reminds us that, unfortunately, we are not always divided between what is good and what is bad.

“And the paths that lead people to be straight, but the end of their paths is death” (Proverbs 16:25).

A long time ago, God showed us the path to marriage without evil. If people had followed them from the beginning, then there would have been no malice! If there were any corner of the Earth, people would feel completely hopeless!

10 commandments of happiness

From Mount Sinai, the Lord gave 10 commandments of happiness to all people. The people, who had climbed up to the bottom of the mountain, marveled with alarm at its peak, were covered in a thick gloom, as, in the dark, it sank down until the whole mountain was covered in a dark darkness. In the darkness, flashlights burned, accompanied by a roar of thunder. “Mount Sinai was all dim because the Lord was on fire on it; And we walked out of it as if we were walking out of a furnace, and the whole mountain was on fire. And the sound of the trumpets became stronger and stronger” (Exodus 19:18-19).

God wants to present His law in an emergency situation, so that the greatness of the environment would bear witness to the essence of His law. It was necessary to take photographs in front of the public, so that everything related to the service of God should be placed with the greatest reverence.

God's presence was so great that the whole people were trembling. The sound of thunder and the sound of trumpets died down, and a reverent silence fell. Then there was the sensitive voice of God, sounding from the thick darkness, which caught Him before the people. The mover of deep love for His people, He pronounced the Ten Commandments. The principles of the Ten Years are spreading to all mankind, and the stench was given to everyone as a rule and care before life. Ten short, all-encompassing and irrefutable principles define the obligations of people towards God and towards their neighbors, and all of them are based on the great principle of love: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your fortune, and with everything with reason. yours and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).

I said God

1st commandment: “I am the Lord your God... Let there be no other gods in you before Me” (Exodus 20:2-3).

God does not claim to be first among the active gods. I don’t want Yoma to be given more respect than other gods. It would seem that they should worship One One, because other gods simply do not exist.

2nd commandment:“Do not make yourself an idol or a coveted image of what is high in the sky, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth. Do not bow down to them or serve them” (Exodus 20:4-6).

The God of eternity cannot be limited by the rank of wood or stone. Trying to earn money does not belittle Yogo, it twists the truth. Idols cannot satisfy our needs. “For the statutes of nations are empty: cut down a tree in a forest, trim it with the hands of a carpenter using the help of a juice, cover it with wood and gold, attach it with flowers and a hammer, so that it does not get hit. The stench is like grinding, and it doesn’t seem like it; They have to wear them because they can’t walk. Do not be afraid of them, for the stench cannot smell evil, nor can it destroy good” (Jeremiah 10:3-5). All our needs and needs can be satisfied by a real person.

3rd commandment: “Do not take the name of the Lord your God for free; for the Lord will not deprive without punishment the one who says His name for free” (Exodus 20:7).

This commandment not only protects the oaths of mercy and those primary words that people are afraid of, but it also goes beyond the limit, but it is easy to remember the name of the Lord without thinking about His holy significance. We also disrespect God if we thoughtlessly guess His name in prayer, or if we repeat it. “Holy and more terrible than Yogo!” (Psalm 111:9).

Ignorance to the name of God can be demonstrated not only in words, but in deeds. The one who calls himself a Christian and does not hesitate as much as Jesus Christ began, God does not respect him.

4th commandment:“Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify Him. Work six days, and do all your work; and this day is the Sabbath of the Lord, your God: do not labor in any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter... For in six days the Lord created the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them; and on the day of the seventh day I slept. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified him” (Exodus 20:8-11).

The Sabbath is presented here not as a new creation, but as a day of confirmation at the hour of creation. We must remember about him and try to solve the riddle about the Creator.

5th commandment: “Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the earth, as the Lord thy God giveth to thee” (Exodus 20:12).

This commandment emphasizes not only respect for children, humility and obedience to their fathers, but also love, tenderness, concern for their fathers, preserving their reputation; vimagaє, so that the children were for them to help and quietly at the frail vіtsі.

6th commandment: “Do not drive in” (Vichid 20:13).

God is the source of life. Only one can date life. It is a holy gift from God. People have no right to take it away, then. drive in. The Creator has a great idea about every human being; choosing to live with your neighbor means surrendering to God’s plan. To save your life or anything else means to try things in the place of God.

All things that speed up life - the spirit of hatred, revenge, evil - is killed. Such a spirit, a posture of doubt, cannot bring happiness to people, freedom from evil, freedom from good. The continuation of these commandments respects the reasonable violation of the laws of life and health. If you are rushing through your days, leading an unhealthy way of living, it is imperative that you do not commit direct self-destruction, but rather act indiscriminately and step-by-step.

The life that was given by the Creator is a great blessing, and it cannot be thoughtlessly wasted or wasted. God wants people to live full-blooded, happy lives.

7th commandment: “Do not over-love” (Vichid 20:14).

The love union is the beginning of the establishment of the Creator in the All-World. Having founded this, he has a sung goal - to preserve the purity and happiness of the people, to raise the physical, mental and moral strength of people. Happiness in mutual relationships can only be achieved if respect is focused on the specialness that you give to yourself, your trust and dedication to the continuation of your life.

Defending over-love, God knows that we are not kidding about anything other than the replenishment of love, reliably stolen from our friends.

8th commandment:“Thou shalt not steal” (Vichid 20:15).

This defense conveys both obvious and hidden sins. The eighth commandment condemns the kidnapping of people, the slave trade and the slaughter wars. There's the sound of theft and robbery. She exemplifies unscrupulous honesty from the lesser people of life. It protects the trade from trade, and seeks fair distribution from the banks and from the form of wages. This is the commandment to speak about those who, if they try to take away the benefit for the sake of their ignorance, weakness and misfortune, are recorded in the heavenly books as deception.

9th commandment: “Do not bear witness of evil against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16).

Whether there is any excess, tension or hardening, those things are uninsurable in order to cope with the danger or obvious hostility, and write a description of the facts, which would lead to deception - it is a lie. This principle protects against any attempt to ruin a person’s reputation with unfounded suspicions, lies or slander. Let us not forget the truth, as it may harm others and violate the ninth commandment.

10th commandment: “Thou shalt not wander into thy neighbor’s house; Thou shalt not harm thy neighbor’s companions... nothing against thy neighbor” (Exodus 20:17).

To increase the power of the susida means to work out the first worst crumb to the point of evil. For a long time, people can’t shake off their satisfaction, because they always want something that they don’t have. The people transform themselves into a slave of their own people. We vikorist people and love speeches instead of loving people and vikorist speeches.

The Ten Commandments reflect the root of all sins, which are hidden in the form of selfish desires, which is the root of lawless acts. “You will do great by being godly and contented” (1 Timothy 6:6).

The Israelis were beaten by what they felt. "It's like this is the will of God, we can't help it," the stench sang. But knowing how to forget people, and not trusting these words tenditnoy human memory God wrote them with His finger on two stone tablets.

“When God ceased speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of revelation, the tablets of stone, on which was written the finger of God” (Exodus 31:18).

When the Creator first gave people His law in written form, the law itself existed forever.

The law that was right from Adam to Moses

Even before Sinai, before Adam and Eve, the eternal and unchangeable criterion of truth was the basis of God’s heavenly government.

Tsey law is cherubov and yangols. The stinks were free and could be stolen - violating God's law or ignoring it and standing up against it. Satan and his angels decided to do things “in their own way,” according to their own powerful laws. Tse rebellion led them to the vignannya from heaven to earth.

However, the angels who wanted to follow God have become deprived and have lost their faithfulness to His law: “Bless the Lord, all the angels of God, who strive with power to commemorate the word of God, listening to the voice of the word of God” (Psalm 103:20).

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve knew about the law of God, because they sinned, committed guilt and rubbish. They realized that they had not obeyed God, taking what they should not have done and choosing to follow another “god.” When Cain became angry that God accepted the sacrifice of brother Abel, and not his sacrifice, the Lord asked: “Why are you embarrassed? And why did it droop denouncing you? If you are timid, why don’t you expose yourself? but if you do not do good, then it is a sin to lie at the door” (Buttya 4:6-7).

The law of God is revealed at that hour, for it is said: “For if there is no law, there is also no evil” (Romans 4:15). Evil... means violation of any law.

Long before Sinai, Abraham knew and followed the Law of God. God said that he would bless Abraham and his rewards “for those who obeyed My voice and followed what I commanded and followed: My commandments, My statutes and My laws” (Bot 26:5).

We cannot maintain order and government without law. There is no harmonious, happy, carefree marriage without laws. It is not enough to write a commandment on a stone, or to write it on a wall, and carefully sign it: “If you love Me, follow My commandments” (John 14:15).

The basis for completing the commandments is love: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your minds”: this is the first and greatest commandment. The other is similar to her: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” On these two commandments hang the whole law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40).

The Law is a reflection of God’s character

“The law of the Lord is thorough” (Psalm 18:8), as Yogo’s character is thorough. The law is the mirror of God's character, unchangeable character! “For I am the Lord, I do not change” (Malachi 3:6).

If any change to the law would have led him to incompetence. If the law is thorough, then the fault is immutable. This truth is in the honor of Christ, when he said: “When heaven and earth pass away, even one rice perishes according to the law” (Luke 16:17).

Believers are often asked: “How can you live freely and happily, surrounded by the law of God, which frees you from the rich joys of life?”

We will have fences on bridges and roads so as not to fall down. So God gave us His law to protect and save us on life’s path.

“Oh, if there was such a heart in them that they should fear Me and obey all My commandments all the days, so that it would be good for them and their sons forever!” (Review of Law 5:29).

The Creator gave His law to people for one more reason: “By the Law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20).

The Apostle Paul confirms this thought: “... I did not know about sin any other way than according to the law, for I did not understand the law, not saying: “Thou shalt not” (Romans 7:7).

They sang to an African princess that her beauty was infinite. Once upon a time, an expensive seller sold her a mirror. Glancing at the new one, she gasped at the graceful indulgence and smashed the mirror into pieces!

The law of God is similar to the looking-glass, and mi, marveling at the new one, like your African princess, we can be dissatisfied with the chastisement, for the law is instructing us to sin in our lives. We cannot change our camp, so we will try to find out and ignore the law. It would be a shame to lose something like this!

The Law of God punishes our sins and helps us meet the needs of the Savior. If Christ is in the Savior, the vin, the power of it is the power of dummies of the yogo commandment, Boin the bite: “I will write the laws of my laws in the core of the Service ...” (єvreyv 8:10).

The greatest manifestation of love and listening to the will of God was in a place like a dark, cold night in the garden under the old olive tree. The crooked drink flowed down behind the forehead of the Son of God. So He suffered, dying to the point of praying to the Heavenly Father: “My Father! If it is possible, let me have a cup of yours; however, not as I want, but as You want” (Matthew 26:39).

The fate of humanity hung in the balance. Vinny Svit may either know the order or perish. Why would Jesus dare to give up his life and go to Golgotha?

You can erase the crooked stain from your face and make a note: “Let the sinner himself bear witness for the inheritance of his sins.”

Ale Vin allowed himself to be nailed to the cross, so that the people would receive forgiveness. This time, if the stake was so great, Christ buried the pen of His love in the purple ink of His blood and wrote “forgiveness” against our names!

The Cross of Calvary will be an eternal guess about the price that God paid in order to satisfy the forces of the broken law and the guilt of humanity. If the law could have been changed or broken, the death of Christ at Calvary would not have been necessary.

God gave His Son to hell, and the Holy Letter says that Christ “by His Blood... was an everlasting ransom” (Hebrews 9:12).

What are the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are ten laws in the Bible, given by God to the people of Israel after leaving Egypt. The Ten Commandments are actually the result of 613 additions that are found in the law of the Old Testament. The first commandments reflect our struggles with God. The coming six commandments have been delivered to our hearts one by one. The Ten Commandments were recorded in the Bible, in the books of Exodus 20:2-17 and Repetition of the Law 5:6-21, and are in force today:

1. “Let there be no other gods in you before My face.” This is a command against worshiping any gods other than the one true God. All other gods are hellish gods.

2. “Do not work for your own idol and the desired image of that which is in the sky on the mountains, and which is on the earth below, and which is lower than the earth by the water; do not bow down to them and do not serve them.” This commandment protects the creation of idols, the visual image of God. We cannot create such an image that would accurately represent God.

3. "Do not speak of the name of the Lord, your God, for nothing, for the Lord will not deprive without punishment of the one who will vote for Yogo for nothing." This is a vignette against the vikorism of the name of the Lord for free. It’s not my fault to speak lightly about Nyogo. It is our duty to mislead God by wondering about God.

4. “Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify Him; Work for six days and do all your work, and this day is the Sabbath of the Lord, your God.” The commandment is to see the Sabbath as a day of rest, dedicated to the Lord.

5. “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may be long, as the Lord your God gives you.” This order is always given to their fathers with honor and respect.

6. "Don't drive in." This is a statement against the wicked killing of other people.

7. “Don’t fix the love problem.” We are prevented from entering into a relationship with our boyfriend/friend.

8. "Don't steal." It is not our fault, brothers, that we do not owe the debt without the permission of the person who owes the debt.

9. “Do not show mercy to your neighbor.” This is a command against giving untruthful testimony. In essence, this is a commandment against nonsense.

10. “Thou shalt not disturb thy neighbor’s house; Do not harm your neighbor’s companion, nor his servant, nor his slave, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.” This is the order that protects something that is not ours. Delay can lead to the violation of one of the enumerated commandments: killing, killing or stealing. If something is wrong, then it is wrong and worth earning.

Many people calmly view the Ten Commandments as a set of rules, the completion of which guarantees entry to Heaven after death. In fact, the purpose of the Ten Commandments was to show people that they cannot recklessly violate the Law (Romans 7:7-11) and, in this way, demand God’s mercy and grace. Regardless of the affirmations of the rich young man, revealed in the Gospel in Matthew 19:16, no one can perfectly follow the Ten Commandments (Ecclesiastes 7:20). The Ten Commandments show that we have all sinned (Romans 3:23) and require Divine forgiveness and redemption, which is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ.

People who are far from the Church, as if they cannot reach the end of their spiritual life, often succumb to Christianity in the same fence. This is a very primitive look.

In Orthodoxy everything is harmonious and natural. In the spiritual world, like in the physical world, it’s impossible to break its own laws, like, like the laws of nature, it’s impossible to cause great harm and cause a catastrophe. Both physical and spiritual laws were given by God Himself. We are steadily growing closer to our everyday life with frontiers, fences and fences, and a normal person can’t say that all the credits are ignorant. The laws of physics have taken their place in the past, as well as chemical laws. Vіdoma shkіlna prikazka: "Water in hand, then acid, otherwise it will become great dashing!" Let's go to work - they have their own rules of safety technology, you need to know and understand them. Looks like on the street, sit down for a kermo - you must comply with the rules of the road traffic, in some way there is a lot of fences. And so skrіz, have any galusi life.

Freedom is not permissiveness, but the right to choose: a person can make the wrong choice and even suffer. The Lord gives us greater freedom, but suddenly ahead of trouble on the way of life. Like the Apostle Paul: Everything is possible, but not everything is okay(1 Cor 10:23). Like a person ignoring spiritual laws, live as you want, not zvahayuchi not on moral standards, not on alienated people, you waste your freedom, spare your soul and make yourself great shkod and otochyuchim. Sin is the destruction of the subtle and suvorih laws of spiritual nature, the guilt of the master of sinners.

God wants people to be happy, love Yogo, love one and one and not harm themselves that other, that He gave us commandments. The stench of the spiritual laws, stink to start, how to live and be a hundred years with God and people. Just as fathers warn their children about troubles and begin life, so our Heavenly Father gives us the necessary instructions. Commandments were given to people back in Old Testament These were discussed in the section about Old Testament biblical history. People of the New Testament, Christians, are required to adhere to the Ten Commandments. Do not think that I came to destroy the laws and prophets: do not destroy I who came, but become vicont(Mt 5:17), says the Lord Jesus Christ.

The main law of the spiritual world the law of love for God and people.

There are ten commandments to talk about this. The stench came from Moiseev near the sight of two stone slabs. tablets, on one of them were written the first four commandments, talking about love to the Lord, and on the other - six others. It stinks to talk about being placed before neighbors. If our Lord Jesus Christ was fed: What is the greatest commandment of the law?- Vіn vіdpovіv: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your understanding: this is the first and greatest commandment; friend is like her: love your neighbor as yourself; On these two commandments the whole law and the prophets are established(Mt 22, 36-40).

What does it mean? Those who have effectively achieved true love for God and their neighbors, cannot destroy even the ten commandments, because they keep talking about love for God and people. And to the full extent of the taxation we have given up our guilt.

Let's take a look ten commandments to the law of God:

  1. I am the Lord your God; Let there be no other gods in you before My face.
  2. Do not set yourself up for an idol or a coveted image of what is high in the sky, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not bow down to them and do not serve them.
  3. Do not ask for the name of the Lord your God for free.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify Him; Work for six days and do all your work, and this day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
  5. Shaun your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may last.
  6. Don't drive it in.
  7. Not an adulterer.
  8. Chi don't steal.
  9. Do not give a pardon to your neighbor.
  10. Thou shalt not destroy thy neighbor's house; Do not harm your neighbor's companions, nor his servant, nor his servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.

First commandment

I am the Lord your God; Let there be no other gods in you before My face.

The Lord is the Creator of the All-Light and the spiritual world. Vin is the cause of everything. All our beautiful, harmonious and very smooth vlashtovany world I couldn’t blame myself. Behind all this beauty and harmony there is a Creative Mind. Believing in those that everything that comes into existence has fallen on its own, without God, is nothing less than madness. The madman said to his heart: “There is no God”(Ps 13:1) - like the prophet David. God is not the Creator, but our Father. Apparently, he thinks about people and about everything created by Him, without His worship the world could not sleep.

God is the source of all blessings, and people must strive to reach Him, because only in God does life take away. We need all our actions to conform to the will of God: they will be pleasing to God or not. Therefore, whatever you eat, whatever you sing, whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). The main focus of God's prayer is prayer and the Holy Sacraments, in which we receive the grace of God, Divine energy.

We repeat: God wants people to glorify Yogo correctly, in an Orthodox manner.

For us, God can only be one, in the Trinity of Glorifications Father, the Lord and the Holy Spirit, and we, Orthodox Christians, cannot have other gods.

Sins against the first commandment:

  • atheism (disclaimer of God);
  • lack of faith, doubt, concern, when people confuse faith with unbelievable and all sorts of signs and other remnants of paganism; also sin against the first commandment, such as: “I have God in my soul,” and do not go to church in front of anyone and do not proceed to the Sacraments, or do so rarely;
  • paganism (paganism), belief in heavenly gods, Satanism, occultism and esotericism; to what extent can magic, magic, healing, extrasensory perception, astrology, sorcery and bestiality be brought to people who are engaged in all this, for help;
  • damnable thoughts that supersede the Orthodox faith, and the fall of the Church into schism, falsehood and sects;
  • sayings of faith, trust in your own strength and in people more than in God; This sin is also related to low blood.

Another commandment

Do not set yourself up for an idol or a coveted image of what is high in the sky, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not bow down to them and do not serve them.

Another commandment forbids worshiping the creation in place of the Creator. We know what paganism and idolatry are. What did the Apostle Paul write about the pagans: calling themselves wise, they deified themselves, and they exchanged the glory of the imperishable God for an image similar to the corruptible people, and birds, and long-footed creatures, and creepers... They replaced the truth of God with nonsense... and served as the creation's replacement. torturing(Rom 1:22-23, 25). The Old Testament people of Israel, to whom these commandments were given, were the custodians of the faith in the True God. Once on all sides the exodus of pagan peoples and tribes, and in order to precede the Jews about those, so that the pagan sounds and beliefs are not taken over, the Lord establishes this commandment. There are few pagans and idolaters among us, although rich gods worship gods and idols, for example, in India, Africa, Pivdenny America, in other countries. It turns out that here in Russia, where Christianity has been around for over a thousand years, paganism is about to emerge.

Sometimes it can almost be called to the address of the Orthodox: saying, veneration of icons is idolatry. The veneration of holy icons cannot in any way be called idolatry. First of all, we offer prayers of worship not to the icon itself, but to the Person depicted on the icon - to God. As we marvel at the image, we raise our minds to the Prototype. In the same way, through the icon, we bring our mind and heart to the Mother of God and the saints.

Sacred images were still working in the Old Testament at the order of God Himself. The Lord ordered Moses to place in the first ancient Old Testament temple (tabernacle) gold images of Cherubim. Already in the first centuries of Christianity in the Roman catacombs (places of gathering of the first Christians) there were wall images of Christ in the form of the Good Shepherd, the Mother of God with raised hands and other sacred images. All these frescoes were found during excavations.

Wanting to to the current world There are few direct idolaters left; many people create idols of themselves, worship them and make sacrifices. For those rich in such idols, which demand constant sacrifices, they became their addictions and vadi. These people have spent their lives completely and can no longer do without them, serve them like their lords, because: whoever overcomes is his slave(2 Pet 2:19). We can guess what the idols' passions are: gluttony, fornication, love of money, anger, troubles, hatred, marnoslavism, pride. The Apostle Paul equates serving addictions with idolatry: love... is idolatry(keel 3, 5). Indulging in addictions, people stop thinking about God and serving Yoma. He forgets about love for his neighbors.

To sins against other commandments, one can also add a biased addiction to any kind of information, when burial becomes an addiction. Idolatry is also worshiped in any special way. Few people at daily suspense Popular artists, singers, and athletes are considered like idols.

third commandment

Do not ask for the name of the Lord your God for free.

“God’s name” means clearly, not in prayer, not in spiritual conversations, but during the hour of empty roses or behind the candle. There is an even greater sin for God's sake. And it is already a grave sin to speak out the name of God and blaspheme God. Also, a sin against the third commandment is blasphemy, if holy objects become the subject of mockery and abuse. Unconventional rites, given by God, and lightly-important oaths from the invocation of the name of God also violate this commandment.

Im'ya God - a shrine. Until then, it is necessary to stand reverently.

Saint Nicholas of Serbia. Parable

One golden master was sitting at his bench behind the bench and, working, unconsciously, remembering his name, like an oath, like a beloved word. What kind of pilgrim, who turned around the holy place, passing by the shop, felt it, and his soul was overwhelmed. Then he knocked on the jeweler, so that he would look over. And if Maister Viyshov, the pilgrim has gathered. The jeweler, without bothering anyone, turned to the door and continued his work. The pilgrim hummed again, and when the jeweler vyishov, he pretended that he didn’t know anything. The master, angry, turned to himself and began to practise again. The pilgrim wipes him off with a whoop and, when the master returns to his feet, stands again, pretending that there is nothing to do with him. The jeweler in the story attacked the pilgrim:

- Why are you calling me for nothing? What a fry! I have robots up to my throat!

The pilgrim peacefully died:

- Truly, the Lord God has even more work, and you call upon Him more often, I don’t care for you. Who has the right to be more angry: the Lord God?

The jeweler, embarrassed, turned to the master and from that hour pulled his tongue between his teeth.

Fourth Commandment

Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify Him; Work for six days and do all your work, and this day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.

The Lord created this world in six days and, having completed his creation, blessed this day as a day of peace. consecrating yoga; for in that he rested in all His works, which God had done and created(But 2, 3).

The Old Testament had a calm day on Saturday. In the New Testament, a holy day of peace has become a day of weeks, when the resurrection from the dead of our Lord Jesus Christ is known. This day itself is a shame for Christians. The week is also called a small Great Day. Call it a week of worship during the hours of the holy apostles. During the week of Christian martyrdom, the Divine Liturgy is celebrated. On this day it is good to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. We dedicate the weeklong day to prayer, spiritual reading, and pious activities. This week, as a day of freedom for urgent work, you can help your neighbors or take care of the sick, help the sick, the elderly. It is customary on this day to honor God for the past year and prayerfully ask for blessings for the next year.

Often, among people who are far from the Church or have few churches, you can hear a little about those who don’t smell the time for home prayer and going to church. So, everyday people are very obsessed with the hour, otherwise busy people are deprived of any spare time to often talk on the phone with friends and relatives, read newspapers, sit for long periods of time in front of the TV or computer. Spending the evening like this, they don’t want to devote even a short time to the evening prayer rule and read the Gospel.

People, like shanuyut week days that church holy, pray at the temple, regularly read rank and evening prayers, as a rule, you will earn more richly than those who spend an hour at the medicine. The Lord blesses this work, with greater strength and gives them His help.

P'yata commandment

Shaun your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may last.

Tim, who loves, shuns his fathers, obliges himself not less than the city in the Kingdom of Heaven, and may he be blessed and prosperous in his earthly life. To care for your fathers means to respect them, to listen to them, to help them, to talk about them in old age, to pray for their health and salvation, and after their death - for the peace of their souls.

People often ask: how can you love and honor your fathers without worrying about your children, being unhappy with your obligations, or falling into grave sins? Batkiv we are not taken away, those who stink with us like this, and not like them otherwise, - God's will. Has God given us such fathers? In order for us to reveal the most beautiful Christian qualities: patience, love, humility, and the ability to forgive.

Through the fathers, God gave us life. In this way, everyday rumors about fathers cannot compare with what we rejected from them. What St. John Chrysostom wrote in this book: “As they gave you stinks, you cannot give them away. Therefore, since in whom we are inferior for them, then let us turn it over into another relationship through our understanding before them, not only according to the law of nature, but more importantly before nature, for the fear of God. The will of God decisively dictates that fathers be shamanized by children, and rewards those who die with great blessings and gifts, and punishes those who break this law with great and grave misfortunes.” Vshanovuyu Father and mother, we begin to vshanovuyu God Himself, our Heavenly Father. Fathers can be called spivrobіtniks to the Lord. The stench gave us a body, and God gave us an immortal soul.

Since people don’t shy away from their fathers, they can easily come to the point where God is not afraid. From the beginning he doesn’t respect the Fatherland, then he stops loving the Fatherland, then he stops the Mother Church and gradually reaches the point of stopping God. Mustache tse vzaєmopov'yazane. It is not for nothing that if we want to steal the state, destroy its basements in the middle, we first take up arms against the Church - the faith in God - and this. Family, the shunning of elders, is called tradition (translated from Latin - broadcast) to seal the marriage, to make the people strong.

Shosta commandment

Don't drive it in.

Killing, saving other people's lives, and self-destruction are the gravest sins.

Self-destruction is a terrible spiritual evil. This is rebellion against God, Who has given us the precious gift of life. This is self-destruction, people are leaving life in a terrible darkened spirit, mind, spirit and anger. We can no longer repent of this sin; there is no repentance behind the string.

A person who saved another’s life through carelessness is also guilty of murder, but less guilty than someone who encroaches on another’s life. Also guilty of killing someone who took someone: for example, a man who did not encourage his squad to have an abortion, but rather inflicted it himself on someone.

People who are mischievous, with vices and sins, speed up their lives and ruin their health, and also sin against six commandments.

Whatever harm is given to one's neighbor, so are the commandments that are broken. Hatred, anger, beatings, abuse, images, curses, wrath, malice, rancor, malice, unforgiveness - all these are sins against the commandment “do not kill”, because Anyone who hates his brother is a killer of people.(1 Iv 3:15) - speak the word God.

In addition to bodily killing, there is no less terrible killing - spiritually, if it harms, it harms one’s neighbor in evil, or it leads to sin and thereby destroys one’s soul.

Saint Philaret of Moscow writes that “not every chosen life is a malicious killing. Killing is not lawless if life is taken away by posad, but if the evildoer is punished with death for justice; if they kill enemies in the war for the Batkivshchyna.”

Soma commandment

Not an adulterer.

With this commandment sins against the family are protected, girlfriend zrada, all carnal affairs between a man and a woman, posture of legal love, carnal concerns, as well as unclean worries and thoughts.

The Lord established a loving union and blessed the bodily union in a new way to serve children. The man and the squad are now no longer two, but one body(But 2, 24). The obviousness of the whore is yet another (though not the most important) aspect of us as creatures. Animals don't kill whores. People have love, mutual respect, commitment to each other and to children.

Those who are blessed by a love, by love and sin, by broken commandments. A friendly union brings together a man and a woman in one flesh for mutual care, people's care and children's care. Any attempt to steal the joy of a love without mutual trust and the same reliability that a love union conveys is a grave sin, which, according to our testimony, Holy Letter, spares the people the Kingdom of God (div.: 1 Cor 6, 9).

An even more serious sin is the destruction of a friend’s fidelity and the ruin of someone else’s love. Zrada ruins not only love, but also defiles the soul of the one who hates. You won’t find happiness in someone else’s grief. The law of spiritual zeal is true: having sown evil, sin, and evil will be reaped, our sin will return to us. The undoubted rozdom and carelessness of one’s feelings also means the violation of one’s commandments.

Eighth commandment

Chi don't steal.

The violation of this commandment means the assignment of someone else's authority, both domineering and private. Types of theft can be different: robbery, theft, trade deception, bribery, scrounging, theft of taxes, freeloading, sacrilege (the misappropriation of a church lane), various scams, fraud This is shahraism. In addition, to the sins against the eighth commandment one can include all kinds of dishonesty: lies, deception, hypocrisy, flattery, philandering, people-pleasing, the rest of which people try to do better (for example, spoiling their neighbor) dishonestly .

“If we steal good things, we won’t forget the day,” seems like a Russian proverb. And also: “The little motuzka won’t wiggle like that, but in the end it will be.” Cashing in on someone else's power, it is too early to pay for the price. Actionable sins, no matter how insignificant they are, spin around obligingly. One man known to the authors of this book in the yard suddenly hit and damaged the fender of the car. Without saying anything to him and without causing harm. About an hour later, in a completely different place, far from his cabin, his old car was just jacked up and disappeared from the scene. The blow was given to the same wing as in the winter of Susidov.

Until the destruction of the commandment “Thou shalt not steal,” the addiction of love of money leads. She herself brought Yuda to the front. Evangelist Ivan directly calls him a villain (division: John 12, 6).

The passion for self-love, self-interest, compassion for the poor, prudence, honesty and growth in spiritual life is overshadowed, because the indulgence of pennies and other material values ​​will always seem like lack of spirituality.

Nine Commandment

Do not give a pardon to your neighbor.

With this commandment, the Lord protects not only direct false testimony against one’s neighbor, for example, in court, but also any lies spoken to other people, such as: slander, false denunciations. The sin of holiness, so common and everyday for everyday people, is also often associated with sins against the ninth commandment. In empty roses, tiles, gossip, and sometimes hardening and hardening are constantly popping up. In the hour of empty prayer, it is already easy to say a word, to share someone else’s hidden secrets and secrets with you, to place yourself in the position of a neighbor. “My language is my enemy,” the people say, and in truth, our language can bring great harm to us and our neighbors, and can even cause mischief. Apostle Jacob seems to be in my hour We bless God and the Father, and with it we curse people created in the likeness of God(Yak 3, 9). We sin against the ninth commandment not only if we incriminate our neighbors, but also if, according to what others say, we ourselves take part in sin’s condemnation.

If you don't judge, you won't be judged(Mt 7:1), - the Savior leads the way. To judge means to judge, to seize the right, which is due only to God. Only the Lord, who knows the past, present and future people, can judge His creation.

The sermon of St. John of Savvaitsky

As if the monks had come to me from the neighboring monastery, and I knew how the fathers lived. Vin Vidpovi: “Good, for your prayers.” Then I asked about a person who had no good reputation, and the guest said to me: “Nothing has changed, father!” Feeling this, I yelped: “It’s bad!” And as soon as I said this, I immediately felt like I was being captured and saw Jesus Christ crucified between two robbers. I rushed to the worship of the Savior, like a rapt, turning to the angels of the future and saying to them: “Execute him, you Antichrist, for having judged your brother before My Judgment.” And if, following the word of the Lord, I ran out, my mantle was lost at the door, and then I came to you. “Woe is me,” I said to my brothers when they arrived, “this is an evil day for me!” "Why so?" - sleeping that one. Then I told him about the mantle and noted that the mantle, which I had deprived, meant that I was gaining the protection and help of God. And from that hour of this fate I spent, wandering through the deserts, not cooking bread, not going anywhere, not speaking with people, until I prayed to my Lord to turn my mantle.

Axis yak scary vinoshi sudzhenya about people.

Ten Commandments

Thou shalt not destroy thy neighbor's house; Do not harm your neighbor's companions, nor his servant, nor his servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.

This commandment protects delay and repair. You can’t not only do evil to people, but also instill in the mother of sins lingering thoughts about them. Every sin begins with a thought, with a promise about something. A person begins to covet the money of his neighbors, then the desire to steal the good from his brother arises in his heart, and inevitably he introduces the sinful world into the world.

Staying late for wealth, talent, and the health of our neighbors drives into us love for them; being late, like acid, corrodes the soul. It is important for older people to connect with others. You are gladdened by the sorrow, the grief that beset those who are sick. Why is the sin of late life so dangerous: wine is a whole lot of other sins. A person who is now also sinning against God, because he does not want to be satisfied with what the Lord gives him, because he blames his neighbors and God for all his troubles. Such a person will never be happy or satisfied with life, even if happiness lies not in earthly blessings, but in the soul of a person. The kingdom of God is in your midst (Luke 17:21). It begins here, on earth, with the correct spiritual structure of people. Remembering the gifts of God in every day of your life, valuing them and giving them to God for them is a guarantee of human happiness.

Sense 10 commandments of God

The commandments of God are the external law, given by God to add to the weakness (as a result of a sinful life) in a person, the internal orientation is conscience.

"Jesus having said...: Whoever loves Me, the same will hear My words; and My Father will love yoga, and We will come to the new and we will make a abode with the new. Whoever does not love Me, does not reach My words (Jv. ).

Ten Old Testament Commandments (Decalogue) God gave on Mount Sinai through Moses to the Jewish people, if he turned from Egypt to the land of Canaan, on two stone tablets (or tablets). The first commandment is to avenge the obsessions of love to God, the rest are to avenge the obsessions of love to your neighbor (to all people).

Ten Commandments of the Old Testament

(Ex.20:2-17, Repetition of the Law 5:6-21)

1. I am the Lord your God, and there are no other gods beside Me.
2. Do not make an idol or image of yourself; do not bow down to them and do not serve them.
3. Thou shalt not guess the name of the Lord thy God.
4. Six days of work and work all your deeds, and somy - Saturday - a day of remembrance, which you dedicate to the Lord your God.
5. Shout your father and matir, let you be blessed on earth and long-term.
6. Without driving in.
7. Don’t over-love.
8. Don't steal
9. Don't be false witnesses.
10. Do not favor anything that belongs to others.

The Beatitudes - Declaration of Christian moral values. Here, everything is necessary to avenge in order for people to get away to a good life again. All the commandments of the beatitudes to speak about the hedges, like those who are faithful to Christ, take away from the Kingdom of the future age: those who cry - get drunk, greedy for the truth - satiate themselves, lagidni - fall down the earth, pamper God with a pure heart. Ale already at the same time, following Christ's commandments, people take away in silence and joy ahead of the future again - the present of the Kingdom of God.

Beatitudes of the Gospel according to Matthew, section 5, verses 2-12):

And He opened His mouth and began, saying:

1. Blessed are God in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
2. Blessed ones are to cry, because the stench is to be drowned out.
3. Blessed are the holy days, for the stench will subside the earth.
4. Blessed are the greedy and greedy truths, for the stench will be satisfied.
5. The blessed are merciful, for they will have mercy.
6. The blessed ones are pure in heart, for the stench spoils God.
7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.
8. The blessed were persecuted for the truth, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
9. Blessed are you, if they will persecute you and persecute you, and unjustly slander for me.
Rejoice and be glad, for great is your city in heaven (...).

It is possible to recite the two commandments of love, as if Christ had given: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. A friend like before her - love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 12: 30-31). And the Lord has given us the surest care to repair: “Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, so do ye unto them: for wherein is the law and the prophets” (Matt. 7:12).

***“God, in His commandments, commands to work now and not to do otherwise, not to what He “just wants.” Everything that God has ordered to work is worthwhile for us, and what we have defended is unprofitable.

The first person who loves her child is to tell her: “drink carrot juice - it’s brown, not too much zucchini - it’s a waste.” But a child doesn’t deserve carrot juice, and she doesn’t understand why there are a lot of tsukkerki: even licorice tsukerki, but not carrot juice. That’s why, at the father’s word, he finishes the bottle of juice and breaks out in hysterics, consuming more of the licorice.
Likewise, we, grown-up “children,” prefer what brings us satisfaction, and we throw out those that do not suit our needs. “And by giving up the Word of the Heavenly Father, we commit sin.”
Archpriest Oleksandr Torik,"Church".


Why, when asked about those commandments, do 80% of baptized people say, without saying: “Don’t kill, don’t steal”? Why is the eighth commandment of the Old Testament called? Not a first, not a third, not a tenth?.. I’ve been poring over this for a long time and until the final conclusion: from all the commandments people gather those, for which they don’t need to work for anything. “I didn’t knock in, I didn’t steal, I’m a wonderful lad, and give me peace!” Do you know the commandment “Thou shalt not over-love”, why should one miss? That dissolute commandment is even more “unmanageable” in our hour. The axis is deceiving people, choosing from the law of God only those who are familiar with it, and those who respect it, knowingly and unknowingly, those who deserve to live in their own way. Lawyers would argue that ignorance of the law does not constitute credibility. It is true that spiritual life is good, and that the known (or unknown) law is completely hidden from us, from our good and bad will. ...
Breaking commandments, even if people do not represent God, lies. God is holy and never cooks. Let people cripple their life and the lives of their loved ones, because the commandments are not like kaidan: os, saying, and so life is important, and here there are still some commandments that need to be followed! No, everything is not bad. The commandments of God are the very mind of a normal, fulfilling, healthy and joyful life for every person. And as a person who breaks the commandments, we won’t do harm to ourselves and our loved ones.

priest Dimitry Shishkin


From the Sermon on the Nagir, and first from the Beatitudes, it is clear that a person must cleanse himself of addictions, cleanse his heart of all thoughts that he has, to know humility in spirit, so that he can become better in life. and God. The word of Christ is clear:

Blessed are you in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are they to cry, for the stench to be quelled.
Blessed are the days, for the stench will subside the earth.
Blessed are the greedy and greedy truth, for the stench will be satisfied.
The blessed ones are merciful, for they will have mercy.
Blessed ones are pure in heart, for the stench spoils God.
(Matthew 5:3-8).

The Beatitudes show the spiritual path of people, the path of adoration, the path that leads to healing. The knowledge of one’s spiritual evils, such as awareness of the addictions that have settled in the heart, leads a person to repentance and blissful sorrow. In the depths of this world of sorrow, Divine peace comes to my soul. It is on this path that people recognize humility and inner peace. Living in spiritual humility, what is even stronger than God’s righteousness and practice of God’s commandments in one’s daily life. By keeping God's commandments, you become worthy of the knowledge of God's mercy and purify your heart even more. A purified soul also has the meaning of the commandments. Some of them are carried out until the purification of the rational, others - until the purification of the sensitive ear of the soul. And if the soul is cleansed of addictions, a person reaches the sight of God.

The Beatitudes reveal the essence of spiritual life and the way people heal. A person who follows the commandments is depicted as a seal of the Holy Spirit and becomes a member of the Body of Christ, the temple of the All-Holy Spirit.
Metropolitan Erofey (Vlahos)


Don’t let anyone think about us: we go to the Church of God, pray, make a lot of bows, for which the Kingdom of Heaven is taken away. Ні; rejects it from the one who pursues the commandments of God.
Venerable Theodore of Sanaksarsky


The commandments of God are greater than all the treasures of the world. Rev. Isaac Sirin

What can you add to what has been said?

In everyday turmoil, work and troubles, it is as if one forgets that life is so bad, and that it is necessary to worship about the Kingdom of God here, even while standing with both feet on the sinful earth: then it will simply be boring.

Most often, in their youth, people rarely think about the inheritance of their ventures, and only failures in a special life and in work, old age, which is approaching, with illnesses tempt us to re-evaluate our lives on our way, let us know what mortal sins were allowed into our angry secular life and repent. they have.

Each of us is a sinner, but a sinner in his own way. Even if you violated God’s commandment “do not steal,” or even if you violated God’s commandment, “do not steal.” And so we repent, both sincerely and effectively (the troubles have done well), each person’s skin is individual, until the soul, after the confession of the Sacrament, feels lightness and freedom from sin, joy from God’s forgiveness.

The 10 Commandments of God are a unique code of God’s Laws, which the Lord God Himself recommends that people live by, so as not to harm their own. filthy right-wingers So that we are not deprived of ourselves alone with the cunning and deceitful Satan, so that the Lord does not come before us and does not add His merciful encouragement, that blessed intercession on all our paths.

God is Merciful and Lover of People. If people don’t listen to His commandments, constantly sin and lie and don’t think about the inheritance of their sinful endeavors, the Lord, from the Merciful and the Helpful, transforms into the Punisher and the Punisher - and how else can one judge? and the child is unreasonable, how can she not listen to her Father?

But the Lord Himself rarely goes so far as to especially punish a sinner: He simply comes before such people, removes all His help, and deprives the enemy of evil spirits. The axis of the devil “drives” on the unfortunate fornicator, who, having gone too far, sends blows from both sides.

So, the responsibility for death is primary, the everyday sins of each person are their own: no one is allowed to know until the very end what is on the line there. The mercy of God is also manifested in what the Lord gives about us - He doesn’t want us to be thrown into hell, and for His beloved children to be tested on earth - so that they can, suddenly become tired and stand on the right path .

This itself explains why the wicked deeds have been baked by fate and have been doing their vile deeds for decades and nothing comes of them - such sinners have long since become sidekicks evil spirits, they are fighting against Satan, the Lord has long since arrived from them and has already prepared a “warm” place in the heat. Such people leave life and their apparent well-being even quickly, abruptly and always unconstrained - and there, in life after death, they are paid a repayment of a new cat for every sin.

And therefore, to His beloved children, the Lord often experienced illness, failure in work and love, or the death of a loved one, so that we realized and realized that we should continue to sin so much there is no need to start getting better right away, otherwise it will be even worse. It is not good for anyone to blame God for the punishments that are given to us - they must be punished for them: even if we deserved them, otherwise they will help us become ruinous and deprive us of hope for Paradise and the Kingdom of Heaven after the end of our life on earth.

It is necessary to understand the orders from Heaven - since your life is constantly haunted by failure, which means punishment for any sin that requires your broad mercy, good justice, testimony and communion, then. love for neighbors and the advancement of the Orthodox Church.

And we, people, are so cruel that we do not suffer ourselves, but we fear suffering on others, not knowing the world of their suffering. Ale, through suffering, we will soften up, be kind and harm those who are absent, help those in need, etc. We become spiritually more pure and born of God's grace.

Ten Commandments to the Law of God from the Bible:

2. Do not make an idol of any kind, as in heaven, so on earth, by the waters and under the earth: do not bow down and serve them.

3. Do not predict the name of the Lord God.

6. Without driving in.

7. Don’t over-love.

8. Don't steal.

10. Do not favor anything that belongs to others.

You can memorize these commandments, then tear them apart and hang them on your wall, like a fortune teller.

The 10 commandments of God were distilled on two tablets, as the Lord gave to the prophet Moses at the hour of the 40-river journey, the Jews were deserted in search of the Promised Land. If you have read the Old Testament of the Bible, you can guess that the first ten commandments Moses broke the earth from the rot, because... While they were praying and fasting for 40 days to get rid of them, their brothers suddenly created new idols and began to worship them.

For this sin, many Jews perished, and through this the Lord himself continued their campaign, emptying as much as 40 fates - the punishment has come. And those commandments with which we were selfish at once were given to Moses later suddenly.

God's commandments tell people about two types of love: love for the Lord God and love for your neighbor. Breaking the remaining seven commandments of Moses is called a mortal sin. It’s a pity that when people prick their skin, they don’t follow one and all these commandments.

The continuation of the first few commandments is the expression of love itself to God and the recognition of obligations to God. What do God's commandments mean - what are the covenants for Moses and all of us?

1. I am the Lord your God; May there be no other gods in you besides Me.

Why does love lie before the Creator? The one who is an Orthodox Christian has only one faith in the Triune God the Father, Sin and the Holy Spirit. It is now fashionable to change one’s faith, to either embrace Islam, or Catholicism, or embrace Satanic yoga or Kabbalah, or embrace Scientism along with Hare Krishna, or embrace the new Orthodox Christianity, or join one sect, or both nshu, but everything is wrong. There is one God - a believing person may have only one Lord.

2. What does it mean - do not make an idol for yourself? The other commandment of God is similar to the first one, but only called.

In truth, she admits that one cannot worship, pray to the sun, the sky, trees, speeches, people, engage in magic or magic, cast oneself for worship, buy any speeches and idolatry before them - this is a great sin.

For example, today it is fashionable to buy various golden toads and pray to them as a source of wealth. on new river people are stocked with Chinese and Japanese “patrons” - symbols of the new rock - they buy bulls, schurivs, horses and think about how to help them with the needs of the day. Well, well, stop fooling around and move on.

Today's wives love to delve into horoscopes and dream books, numerology and stoneology - and most of them don't suspect that those who live according to horoscopes and believe in numerology, note that the stench is under the control of Satan. Deyak robat tse svidomo – ale tse ichnyi vybіr. Orthodox Christians are guilty of knowing that believing in the note is not a sin. You need to believe in God - and only rely on Him: as it will be good for You, so it will be.

Also, in this disillusioned marriage, women most often call themselves “goddesses”, men call themselves “gods”, the word “divine” is misused to the point and worse - without sense. For people who call themselves that and verbally pledge themselves to God, to repent of this great sin is not blasphemy, it is not desecration of God’s name, it is not blasphemy. For such mischief, the retribution will come immediately. Don't be shy.

“Thou shalt not make an idol of thyself” also means that worship and the crazy pursuit of money, power, sex and other earthly pleasures, obsession with anything, addiction is not a sin, just like any other addiction.

3. “Do not remember the name of the Lord God in vain.”

Here everything became clear: you can’t swear, say “Oh God,” or repeat “Well, thank God” a hundred times a day like a parrot, to no avail.

Tobto. In the name of the Lord God, the requirements are placed carefully and lived out from God only when absolutely necessary.

4. Remember the Sabbath day and respect it: work six days, mind your own affairs, and on this day, Saturday, dedicate the Lord to your God.

The fourth of God’s ten commandments calls on people not to be like creatures, but to properly distribute their time: six days are required to work, and the seventh day is to worship and glorify the Lord.

The commandments of the Bible tell us that the day for completion is Saturday, but for Orthodox Christians, through the change of the calendar, the day for completion is a week.

Most people do not follow this simple commandment, but for free. If you cook food, sew, clean, cook, cook, cook, cook, sew, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, or cook your own food for a week, why bother? To see that people are driving themselves into sin and into hell on earth. Isn’t it so important for our women and men to go over all the documents on Saturday in order to prepare for the week’s work?

And there is great significance behind this commandment of Moses: psychologists have proven that the existence of the answer is the simplest and effective method drive yourself away from stress, depression and develop nervousness (neurosis). In this manner, the Lord here swears about our mental, psychological and physical health. Only we, stubborn people, mildly think that we know more, although we really don’t know anything and we don’t know how to tell the girl of Divine wisdom.

Other commandments of God have already become clear to basic people, and are also important.

5. Take care of your father and mother, and may you have good fortune and long life on earth.

It is easy for these people to follow these commandments, whose fathers loved them and helped everyone they understood and sought to understand. Other children, those who were beaten, constantly barked and criticized, disliked and belittled in every way, are much more complex.

So, respect the father and mother to be far from being the same child: sometimes fathers are really not good people, and sometimes children are untouched until their death. beloved fathers they don’t understand, they don’t realize how much good was done for them.

Let's go to happiness in life for every human being - through love to our fathers and their forgiveness. Once again, psychologists have scientifically proven that people who have not worked extensively and deeply in their souls for their parents, mother and father, have great problems with work and in particular areas, and Golovny Shliakh The solution to these problems is through the forgiveness and understanding of the fathers.

6. Unfortunately, the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” is violated even more often than before. Throughout human history, people have blamed one another for the sake of wealth, power and fame.

You can't kill people! By killing living people, a person is killing a piece of his soul.

Likewise, you can’t beat too many people up morally. Not for nothing before the Great Day, during the hour of Great Lent, Orthodox Church It’s not so much an appeal to grub fasting, as it is asking Christians not to morally “sacrifice” their neighbors.

If there is no need to kill creatures, then it is possible and necessary to kill them for their sake - the Lord created them for our sake. In the Bible hours of the Old Testament, creatures were sacrificed to God by the way of the entire dormitory. You can’t slaughter and kill creatures and burn, be it a creature of God, for the sake of pride, but for the sake of food - you can.

The Bible also says that in connection with vegetarianism this is true: whoever eats cooked meat, let him not become rich in it, so let him who does not eat cooked meat, let him not become great. It is all the same to the Lord - there is human meat and animal products whatever: It is more important to me that an Orthodox Christian morally and spiritually does not sacrifice his companions.

7. Don’t over-love - the “most popular” commandment is our hour.

The marriage has health and conviviality (the so-called “huge” love) - a whole series of speeches. And the Church practically equates to love not only the health and the huge love, but also the legal, registration in the bodies of the Civil Registry Office of the country, which has not been consecrated by the wedding ceremony. It turns out that almost all words today violate this commandment and constantly commit mortal sin before God.

Boys and girls change one by one in search of self-assertion and raising self-esteem, but in this case they waste human guise and transform into thinness, stoop lower than animals, and inevitably waste trust and love one by one, transforming use biorobots.

It is important to understand that if any evil negatively affects a person’s spiritual life, from one such wormhole the whole soul can spiritually “rust”. And then such an axis “hotels and resorts” will be formed on the forums of women’s sites and in services psychological assistance, Having said that, I’m so miserable, I’m not needed by anyone, I don’t care about anyone, I don’t take anyone seriously, I’m still so successful in work (I’ve spent my career with my body), but there’s no greedy happy special life. And the stench really doesn’t understand why this is so. That’s why you need to carefully put yourself before your partners, because a human being needs to love not just with his head, but with his heart.

In life, everything is interdependent - and our every decision is given in our future, it is fought out in our life.

8. “Do not steal” - in our country, people who have not violated God’s commandments in the last twenty years and centuries in one month can be wrapped around the fingers of one hand.

Who thinks that they are getting rich while sneaking around? You can guess the slaughter of the crime, saying, I don’t steal, but the moral harm is given to me.

But the truth of life lies in the fact that by robbing powers and robot sellers, people are creating a hole for themselves - and then don’t wonder if their loved ones will begin to suffer from raptoid’s disease and eventually die. The payoff for theft is the illness and death of loved ones and loved ones.

It is not good to steal not only financial and material benefits, but also the strength and nerves of other people.

So for example, friendly people, how to start their own kohanok and fatally powdered smears, which tell about the kohanny, of which there is no one, rob them - they make it impossible to find a good, decent man and become a happy woman.

The lady, like sitting annoyingly at a friend’s house, doesn’t lose respect for her tensions, saying, I’m tired and want to sleep, tidy up the house - I can also become the butt of someone, even the most innocent one.

9. Do not bear false witness against one of your own.

If you follow God’s commandments, then it turns out that you can achieve the truth a little, so as not to do cruel things. You can’t call out another person’s fears in vain, it’s wicked to give sympathies about her.

And the axis says in the eyes of the ignorant woman that she is ugly, perhaps, if she is cruel, the truth can be softened a little and how to supply power to the drive of her appearance, truthfulness, language, and cuteness.

You must be careful to distinguish between truth and cruelty: truth in itself, without love for your neighbor, to hurt and hurt more painfully, is also a great sin.

10 The commandment of God from the Bible - You shall not respect any companion, nor house, nor village, nor slave, nor slave, nor ox, nor donkey, nor any kind of evil, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.

This remains the Lord's commandment to avoid such a mortal sin as being late - the main reason for most of our sins.

Would you like to build a squad and your friend’s house, if possible, by rolling up your sleeves, you will make your friend’s house more beautiful, and find another girl who is even more beautiful and cute?

When you feel late, you may notice that your brain is cramped and you will inevitably notice the situation on the other side. Everything in the garden looks more appetizing.

As Mikhailo Zadornov told me to stay late - these are the ones where I will lie, as well as the places - these are the ones that “I have”.

This remaining message can be seen as a hidden message that does not perceive negative emotions that destroy a person in the middle, but does not bring them closer to the mark.

Also, I think that my father is behind other sins - jealousy, hatred, anger, irritation, egoism, perfectionism, etc. Pride is the worst possible sin, for which there is the greatest retribution.

People don’t want to get carried away and carry themselves so that they don’t fall even more painfully.

It is not so important to truly adhere to all ten commandments of God.

2 Commandments of Jesus Christ

You just need to kohati. Love for God and neighbors - the axis of the main commandment of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who wrote with his suffering New Testament in the Bible. This commandment about Lyubov was brought to us by Bogolyudin, who descended from Heaven to earth, into the heat and pain of Heaven, so that with his suffering he could atone for our sins and appease God the Father, to make His order for people to be more gentle and merciful.

Just as in the Old Testament of the Bible the Lord was Punisher and Punisher, then in the New Testament God is Gracious, Forgiving and Long-Suffering. The Lord gives us the right to choose which Satan tries to save us by hook or by crook (with the help of horoscopes and signs, numerology and dream books, sins and unrepentance in them). The Holy Trinity gives freedom of action, thoughts, behavior, because... trusts in our good will and obedience. It is necessary to appreciate it.

So let us love the Lord not only in words, but also in our deeds, and then the Lord will love us, and not expose His revelation to us, but will help us in all our ways and in our actions - and what can be better, if people understand God and dtrimku that blessed news from ourselves crisis situations?

Love God and loved ones, respect strangers, help those in need, appreciate nature and life. And the main secret of God’s 10 commandments lies in this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. The first and greatest commandment is Jesus. Another similar commandment of Christ is like this: Love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments the whole law and the prophets are established.”

The main commandments by which all Orthodox people must live are found in the Bible, in the section (book) “Exit”. They are traditionally called Commandments, because there were commandments - “commandments” - by the Lord to the people of Israel and transmitted through the prophet to the name of Moses (Exodus 20:2-17).

All this happened on the days of the Israelis’ exit from Egypt. Moses escaped from Egypt, full of children to Israel through the wasteland into the promised land. The price turned out to be difficult and important.

On the 50th day of Mandrivka, when people were tired and began to fret, Moses decided to turn to God and ask Him for help or instructions.

He climbed Mount Sinai and began to pray. In recognition of this blessing, the Lord himself appeared. He voted 10 laws by which all Christians were now required to live.

God wrote the 10 commandments with His own hand on two stone slabs and tablets. The enemies and the ancient Moses took the Kamyan “letters” from the mountain and voiced God willing to people.

This moment is considered key by Orthodoxy. The very gift of God’s great commandments to people meant all further share Believe me and skip history. The 10 Commandments of God are the inviolable and fundamental law that defines the norms of human life.

The one who follows the commandments, to love Jesus Christ, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven and will be able to reproach the Lord. The greatest treasure of the city is grace, which only mortal people can rely on.

10 commandments of Orthodoxy:

God's 10 commandments contain the main postulates of faith, love of humanity and charity, which is the voice of Christianity. The stinks mean and why it needs to be unique. Axis and commandments:

First commandment: “I am the Lord your God”

From whose messenger the Creator will voice the ultimate Truth: He is the Lord, the only Creator and Heavenly Father of every living thing on earth. People are obliged to revere only Yogo and are not guilty of imagining their own gods and idols. “Let there be no other gods in you before My face” (Vichid 20:2-17).

Another commandment: “Thou shalt not make an idol for yourself... neither in heaven nor on earth.”

The Lord created everything that is on earth and in heaven. Life itself - Yogo willed and plіd Yogo zusil. People are always obliged to remember and respect the Creator as a single creator. Anyone who begins to pray to other gods commits sins against their true God.

Third commandment: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord... for free”

My God - the same value as I say Yogo. It is impossible to repeat it without extreme need. This is not a shame and a lack of desire for the most holy things that have been given to people. The one who God says is “in vain” (just like that, just as you go along, without giving it any special meaning). The name of God can evoke sacred awe and elation in the human heart.

Fourth commandment: “Practice…somii (sanctify) 6 days to the Lord God”

This commandment depicts another important development of Orthodoxy. According to the Biblical canon, the Lord created the Universe and the Earth in 6 days. On the seventh day, Vin rejoiced and rejoiced at the beauty of everything that was created by him. It’s Lyudina’s fault to fix things like that. 6 days of hardship are for the people and families - to consecrate to God, go to the church for the service.

Porada. They had to walk obligatory to the Church! Confess so that your sins may be forgiven.

The one who works on weekends falls into sins of pride. You should never put yourself above God, showing that you have to work all these days without fail. In addition, the sinner does not want to dedicate any trace to prayers, and thereby destroy his immortal soul.

The fifth commandment: “Honor your father... and your mother”

This situation shows that God’s Commandments only mean how people should obey God, but how they regulate matters in the marriage and family. Interrelation of children with their fathers is the reflection of a person’s relationship with the Creator. The one who is respectfully placed before father and mother will continue her days on earth and give up her life to the Lord.

Shosta commandment: “Don’t beat in”

This is perhaps the shortest and most obvious commandment. Having created the remains of life, God only has the right to take it away. A sinner who encroaches on this right, commits greedy evil against the humanity of the Lord himself. Life is an unforgettable wonder, sacred is the secret place of the world. This includes abortion, and one of the most important sins.

Soma commandment: “Do not over-love”

The Orthodox family is also considered sacred. God sanctifies love at the hour of the sacrament. Anyone who changes his friendship and enters into illegal affairs with other women breaks his vows in the church to the Lord himself. Faithfulness and love are the basis of all living things.

Eighth commandment: “Thou shalt not steal”

This commandment, on the one hand, regulates the norms of marriage. A person who encroaches on someone else’s property violates the laws of marriage. Vin is an evildoer in the eyes of his brothers, who, through hard labor, forfeits the blessings of which he lives. A person's skin must honestly earn its bread. Everything that is taken away undeservedly or stolen is the result of the evil one.

On the other hand, this commandment means that when a person crosses the line, he darkens his heart and gains spiritual purity, which is pleasing to God. The Lord wants to teach His children pure hearts and ambassadors like angels. For such things the bright Kingdom of God is prepared.

Ninth commandment: “Thou shalt not be false witnesses”

False testimony is an evil against your neighbor, whom Jesus Christ commanded to love as yourself. A person who has cheated her partner or just an acquaintance is like a murderer and a villain.

It dies on the truth of the name and the life of the accused. Good children of God must be honest both with other people and with themselves. Only in this state will their souls be pure, and their actions will be pleasing to God.

Tenth Commandment: “Thou shalt not go into the house... of a friend... of a slave... of anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

The tenth commandment is not to be late. Christianity, as opposed to paganism, brought people such a concept as “conscience.” This means that it is not enough to look righteous in the eyes of those who are absent. It is necessary to be like this in your soul. The Lord marvels at people right to the heart. You will see all the dark thoughts of your creations.

If a person doesn’t want to do anything nasty, but they just wanted to screw someone up, they’ve already sinned. From your ambassadors, you have picked up, stolen, taken away the object of water. In his heart, he has already fallen in love with a woman, as he secretly fears. The sinner has broken the seventh and eighth commandments.