Venerable Gerasim of Vologda. Vshanuvannya and canonization

A detailed description from kіlkoh dzherel: "Gerasim of the Vologda Reverend Prayer" - in our non-commercial religious magazine.

Akathist to the Transitional Gerasim, the Wonderworker of Vologda

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Yours, that you bachila, yours is very successful in a good nightly life, in humility and hearing, in tenderness and brotherly love, bazhaty bachiti bachit you on equal presbyter, you didn’t shy away from hearing, but torment your spirit, gasping for God: Aliluya.

Seeing the good, Reverend Gerasim, God's permission to the honor of the cherry ring, leaving You the Gniletska monastery and the front of the city of Kiev, You came in between Vologda, in the impenetrable wasteland, in the pit of Kaisar, in the netry of forests, the cell of your own feat x empty. Tim same mi nі vshanovuєmo to you, like a father and the original founder of Chentsіv Vologda, and Volaєmo:

Rejoice, Holy Spirit of autumn;

Rejoice, for in the silence of prayer you spiritually mature.

Rejoice, ascetic God, for the beauty of whose world you do not rest;

Rejoice, for for the sake of God's homeland you will leave the country.

Rejoice, star, given by God, that a pivnich has flowed into a pivnich;

Rejoice, I'm emptying my, more quiet little porch.

Rejoice, having voiced the wilderness with your voice of prayer;

Rejoice, reverent servant of the Lord.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

By the power given to you by the sight of the Lord, you are desolately embittered and in need of misery in front of your eyes, you are patient, you know Christ in your soul, having laid the blame: Aliluya.

Mayuchi diligence about the salvation of your soul, reverend father, bypassing Your deserted pivnoch, docks, watering the single church of the Resurrection of Christ, healing You in spirit and in the place of the silent and weightless, around the begun city of Vologda, having settled in, your God-pleasing ty. Well, marveling at your worthy feats and practice, you are so different from the frills:

Rejoice, empty deeds of a lover;

Rejoice, having blessed the city of Vologda with your advance, that you have created.

Rejoice, wall that affirmation of that city;

Rejoice, life of purity to our land enlightened.

Rejoice, victorious evangelical commandments;

Rejoice, you love Christ with all your heart.

Rejoice, speedy will of your Yoma;

Rejoice in Yogo of the good yoke of acceptance.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

A storm of evil misfortunes and calmness subside, harmlessly passing through the whole wasteland of a mournful black life, and so by the grace of God during the great labors that we stretch out, descending Your kind of strength into strength. Help us, the saint of God, to weave the life of the day without harm, that we sing with you God: Aliluya.

Chuvshi, Reverend Father Gerasimov, about people who sit at the darkness of the nevir and the evil ones, having suffered with your soul for them and lighting up the bajans, they will be a glorious temple in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity. For the sake of volaemo ty:

Rejoice, thou who was the next apostle, enlightening the darkness of the wicked;

Rejoice, dawn, that we are in the sinful night of blazing.

Rejoice, for in the region of Vologda, the planter of the faith of the Orthodox;

Rejoice, educator in the darkness of addictions, what to change.

Rejoice, for you have sinned among the dreams;

Rejoice, having consecrated the wasteland, let us build the temple of God.

Rejoice, having thoroughly uprooted us in your presence;

Rejoice, thou who didst show us the equal and apostolic life of the angels.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

The venerable star of the like appeared to You, Reverend Father Gerasim, in the region of Vologda, and impenetrable empty space with the light of your charitable life, illuminating You, instructing everyone on the paths of salvation and learning to sleep God: Alleluia.

Bachachi is the enemy of the human race, your charitable mission is to serve the brother of your neighbors, instilling a wealthy villager against you in the Buddhist monastery. Well, putting all your hope on the one God and the sight of the New, I’ll help you, having created a monastery of chants, undefiled by us, with your own efforts and diligence, like yourself at the mentor’s house until the end of your days, you yourself can smell the sounds of us:

Rejoice, dove is not malice, the anger of an unreasonable person is indifferent;

Rejoice, for your innocence of the spirit of malice is overcome.

Rejoice, deserted turtledove, in the presence of the worldly noise in the goodness of the empty space;

Rejoice, for the tree is nobler by the waters.

Rejoice, for you are not sly, nor wild beasts, nor evil people;

Rejoice, between Vologda spiritually enlightened.

Rejoice, holy church of Vologda praise and joy;

Rejoice, good shepherd of your verbal flock.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Proposyda Vologodska Our Kraina Praziy, God's exploits, God -mercenary Gerasima, Pydleti, by you infused the spiritual Savior, Yaky, the Lord Ground, Yakkim Cholovikovi norovlivi, and the duskh, the abuse, and come to the osmu. For the sake of it, bachachi neimovirne zbuttya your promo, ospіvuєmo God: Alilujah.

Having lifted up your good life, it is brightly great in the Ukrainian region of Vologda, Reverend Father Gerasim, for having come to you from afar. I do not want to enjoy your God-inspired words, friends, live jealously with you. Accept thee with love, like your father, about the likely stray children, hushed up. For whom mi vdyachno shout ti taka:

Rejoice, first father of the Vologda ty;

Rejoice, divine head of all ascetics in Christ's land of Vologda.

Rejoice, for chentsiv that worldly people are faithful to the kerivnik until salvation;

Rejoice, for you have received the shelter of your bazhayushchih salvation.

Rejoice, for you wake up to a calm conscience;

Rejoice, club, that fell podkriplyuy.

Rejoice, show gracious foresight;

Rejoice, for us sinful Judges of righteous blessing.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Wanting to vryatuvat you rich, the most merciful God show you not the point of the head of the leader of the host of foreigners, but the Divine preacher, who spoke to God in the region of Vologda; people, for in this place, who linger and do not lead the doti of God, in the light of your life, having swayed the first dawn of ryativny theology and piety, and as you learn to awaken to the true God: Aliluya.

New grace to show you all the Creator and Vladika Lord, if without the permission of God the unclean people would burn and destroy your holy monastery with a sword, as it was impossible to know the place of your burial, reverend father; appearing as a pious old woman from the city, who suffers twenty fates of blindness, having punished you to perform a prayer service at the place, to pay your wages. Vaughn, having listened to your voice, abi saw the light. A lot of other miracles that hovered like a point in the ashes, but lead, consecrated at your work, glorifying, shouting like this:

Rejoice, wondrous place of the burial of the rich relics of your manifestations;

Rejoice, for the swedish helper is calling you.

Rejoice, for we are blinding the sum of a rich variety of talents;

Rejoice, for the sick healers are merciful.

Rejoice, for in mourning and bidah and circumstances, a speedy helper;

Rejoice, for in the sleepy and visions you see the truth.

Rejoice, worker of glorious miracles;

Rejoice, for the water, consecrated at your relics, heals miraculous ailments.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Your wondrous and mournful life is not only people on earth, ale and angels in heaven cheer: for you, having settled in the desert, have worked for the one and only God, Reverend Father Gerasim, for the sake of this and a small prayer you bring, all kinds of ailments are healed r'ya is approved , forever crying out to God: Aliluya.

The whole buv is with Boz, but on earth, rest with the uninterrupted chuvanni and forgiveness. In spirit, standing on the Throne of God, standing as a body in the earth above, shaking you, you give you healing, having gained great courage before God, do not forget us, stand up to yours and cry out to you:

Rejoice, for the coldness of that smooth surface in the desert is tolerant;

Rejoice, all the evil of suffering without remembrance of adoptions.

Rejoice, God-wisdom of embellishments;

Rejoice, illumination in the middle of the grace of God.

Rejoice, for you are the intercessor of eternal battle;

Rejoice, for come to worship before your holy relics bless.

Rejoice, you are jealous of the prayer book for us;

Rejoice, lands of our heavenly guardian.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

All the bodyless angels and cathedrals of saints see you in the sky, reverend Gerasim, according to your honest words. The Lord Himself, preaching by you, crowning you with the crown of heavenly glory and joining you to the face of His saints, sing the blame to Yoma: Aliluya.

Vitіystvo chelovecheskoe do not be burdened to praise your deserted life, reverend father; from youthful bores to old age, mastitis, walking unskillfully Thee at the footsteps of Christ and doing the will of Yogo holy every time. Why, for the sake of your love, we pray for the sake of your cry:

Rejoice, ascetic of the immutable Christ;

Rejoice, for you are clinging to you, father, who loves children.

Rejoice, for on earth you live like an angel;

Rejoice, lamp that shines with garlic.

Rejoice, for bring rich people to heavenly light;

Rejoice, for the sight of the earth came at the cloister of paradise.

Rejoice, good faller of the Kingdom of Christ;

Rejoice, for in your sleep you do not deprive us.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Log by the All -Union of Demo, the saints of God, the Monk of the Father Gerasimi, the world of the Remor for the All -Minor Viru, the Love, to you, the moths of your prayer, to jam the pile of your blood, that is permanent by you, shouting by you: Alilayu.

Stіna buv, Reverend Gerasim, everyone, who fought at bіdah and misfortune of your spade; to ourselves and us, who are sick of the sins of the bagatma, intercede with your prayers for retelling, so that you shout like this:

Rejoice, keeper of the right path;

Rejoice, holy one of God, live with the saints and bless God for the sins.

Rejoice, show your love to the earthly life and after death;

Rejoice, thy mighty holy miracles glorious riches.

Rejoice, kulgavih and weakened mercies to the strengthener;

Rejoice, having won the right to walk with the feet of the aching Jacob.

Radium, all diligently rush to you in peace and freedom;

Rejoice, for the sight of the Lord in heaven knows the wine of your city of work.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

The spice of the unmarried Holy Trinity of spices, having begun to come richly healed for the sake of your ailments, to the miraculously blessed place of your burial, Reverend Father Gerasim, forgotten in the sight of rich rocks, having glorified your little droplet, cancer of the Lord on your grave making an icon; After that, the most glorious temple was arguing, for whom a bloodless sacrifice was made for the salvation of all Orthodox Christians, to shout to God: Aliluya.

With light we shine with light to shine your glorious temple, reverend Father Gerasim, Mayuchi kissing your thread like a holy lamp, let Bachimo Bachimo and reverently chant you, dare to say to you:

Rejoice, city of Vologda, that holy temple, where your holy relics rest, watchful guard;

Rejoice, for by the exchange of your saints you touch us.

Rejoice, sanctuary of heavenly light;

Rejoice, for your holy temple is firm, and for us, who shake you, salvation.

Rejoice, in the silence of all who reach out to your all-powerful help;

Rejoice, hopeless Swedish commemorator.

Rejoice, sick healer;

Rejoice, for it is prayerful to you, who you call, you see without a hitch.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Leading your grace and your great mercifulness before God, Reverend Father Gerasimov, with faith and love we worship you and pray: pray to the All-good God, take care of the Holy Church in the face of nevir and misfortune, we will be with you God : .

Your spiritual deeds are equal to the apostles and your richly glorious wonderworkers, reverend Father Gerasim, pleasing your God-wise coming to the city of Vologda and your full sleep, so that, according to your revelation, you do not deprive us of grace-filled miracles of gifting. We fall before you, we pray and praise you.

Rejoice, apostle of Christ, one early successor;

Rejoice, in the eternity of minds to the educator of the land of Vologda.

Rejoice, for it is apostolic to fight near the city of Vologda;

Rejoice, for the feat of the namesake Gerasim, who is on the rivers of Jordan, pishov Ty.

Rejoice, our lands richly embellished;

Rejoice, angelic faces of the spirit.

Rejoice, for you are a friend of all saints;

Rejoice, unrepentant prayer book before the Lord for the quiet, who piously repairs your memory.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

O great saint and glorious miracle-worker, our lands of pershope, reverend Father Gerasim, accept us unworthy of praise, you brought our little prayer, and turning to the throne of the Lord, praise, praying for all of us, let us be spared from all kinds of sickness and ailments and we know at the day of judgment, at the joy of singing God: Alilujah.

This kontakion shakes three, so shake Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1.

Angel-like basking in the life of the desert-loving elders at the oven gates of the Gnilec cloisters, love the Reverend Theodosius of the Caves to the south, love the silence of the desert and love you, Reverend Gerasim, and in your youth, in your youth, you have seen water in the house, You are right m God. Tim, as a promise of God, great patience tsimi:

Rejoice in the sight of the pious root of the saint's gallows;

Rejoice, O blessed city of Kiev.


Rejoice, love for the sake of Christ's city of your homeland, what you change, you leave.

Rejoice, abode of Gnilecka, holy prospering;

Rejoice, for the God-wise bjola tamo, who to work, father, like in different kvіtіv malt of spiritual wisdom zіbrav.

Rejoice, for in the gloomy darkness you will find the light of the knowledge of God;

Rejoice, accept goodness for the service of God.

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Vibranium, the saint of Christ, our reverend father Gerasim, the first equal angelic life near the Vologda region of the country of prayers in the Kiev city, the enlightenment of piety by the lordships of the deserted pivnoch, and the way to heaven is right with a wealth of evidence, laudable to describe you with love the holy one; you can be merciful to the Lord, with your prayers for all of us for freedom, what to call:

Rejoice, Gerasim, reverend father of Vologda to the original.

Oh, our reverend and God-bearing Father Gerasim, the saint of Christ our God, in his youth, light and all even in the new, indifferent, Christ, in the spirit of the soul, diligently loving! Like the ancient Abraham, in your land and in the country of the God-saved city of Kiev, God instructed in the land of the valley, in the city, Vologda, you moved, and in the new holy monastery in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, arguing you, in the same completely catching up with Ty. For whom, Christ the Lord has pleasing your deeds of bachivshi, with the gift of miracles, clearly enrich you: for not only the living, but also among the retired rich, as if you were unbearable, you exude healing with faith to those who come before you. Help us sinners and unworthy servants of yours with your pleasing prayers; Reach out to the almighty God, your reverend hand and ask us for ailments, bad, dashing and misfortunes, to get us, save, that with faith we bless you, our warm intercessor, more glorify the glorified Christ our God, Yomu with the Father and the Holy Spirit. glory and worship, nі i povyakchas, and for ever and ever. Amen

Gerasim of Vologda, reverend

Reverend Gerasim was one of the first ascetics in the Vologda region; Ale Vin is not a native of Vologda.

If the ascetic reached the age necessary for taking the priesthood (not less than 30 years), the brethren who labored with him urged you to take on the rank of presbyter.

with the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Gerasim chose a deaf fox to live in, which he saw in the forest of Vologda, planted by Kaysarov. Here, beyond the verst of the river Vologda, in the middle of the forest hut, the Monk Gerasim, having ruled in a modest cell and in the silence of the assimilation, does not respect anyone or anyone

nevіdomy, completely gazing at the thought of God and the feats of a severe self-sufficient life, spending days and nights in prayers and psalms.

It was hard for a zealous ascetic to endure such an incomprehensible and cold setting until the construction of the holy namir - to create God's temple and monastery. However, the reverend did not lose heart and was not angry at the success of his undertaking, but, having become patient with patience, with great diligence and zeal, continued rozpochat, pratsyyuyuchi from early morning until evening.

Until now, there have been no daily reports about the life and deeds of St. Gerasimus, who ruled over the church and monastery until his most blessed death, which came at the 1178th anniversary. Ale, without a doubt, at the thirty fates of the vines, having accomplished a lot of deeds, enlightening the Vologda region with the light of their honesty and the Gospel of the Gospel. To help a lot of miracles, created by the Monk Gerasim, we will bring only those, as they are written down with more details and reports.

with a bitter voice: “Forget your obіtsyanku to the Monk Gerasimov and angered the Lord!”

Feeling it, Ignaty, having guessed about his abode and vіdraz well, anіtrochs do not call, violating on the road, mayuchi us to pray for the coffin of the saint of God. Tієї zh mitі Іgnatіy vіdchuv polegshennya vіd svoїh suzhdan.

Rubric | Religion

Venerable Gerasim of Vologda

Published: 17 March 2017. 17 Birth is the day of remembrance of the Monk Gerasim of Vologda. The Monk Gerasim was one of the first ascetics in the Vologda region, but he himself was not a native of Vologda.

The Monk Gerasim was born near Kiev. From the children of the wines, thinking about the path of the hermit. Having become a novice, and then a chrysant at the Gnilec monastery, for this kilometer from the city, he became well-groomed in honesty under the cerebration of the elders of the monastery.

At the 30th anniversary, Gerasim took off the proposition of becoming a priest. I’ve been repentant of humility, but then let’s help the brothers, giving it a go. St. Gerasimus often repeated the words of the Lord: “The first kind of skin, to whom riches are given, riches will be necessary, and to whom riches are entrusted, more will be pulled” (Luke 12: 48). Vіn namagavsya with a skin day to take away more and more crust from the bestowed to you and the day, bringing the Bloodless Sacrifice with the fear of God to great reverence.

Hot bazhannyam bring people the light of truth, flooding Kiev and destroying the pivnich, in the Vologda region, then there is little illumination of the light of the Gospel (1147). Having reached a small settlement with the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, which was in the city of Vologda, Gerasim settled in a deaf fox, which was strengthened by Kaisar's strumok, overlooking the village. There he has made his own modest cell and is alive in his own selves, doing an innocent prayer, day and night waving the miracles of the Lord with the singing of psalms.

Little by little, the inhabitants of that region began to come before the new for prayer and joy. Assuring how weak the knowledge of the faith of Christ is, Saint Gerasim, having taken up the life of the church in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, how soon the monastery was established. Not caring for the protidium of the earthly landowner, the saint continued laboring hard, diligently fasting and praying, and with his loving sermons, singling the Christian honesty and mercy to the neighbors with his loving sermons. Over the years, the deacons of them themselves uttered to the pious chents to help at the temple building, others asked permission to get rid of it and lead a blacker life with yoga. So the winery of the Holy Trinity Kaisarivsky monastery is the first in these regions.

The Monk Gerasim died in 1178. Christians with faith flocked to the grave of the Monk Gerasim, asking for his prayerful intercession, and in it many times the trances of healing tumbled. The Holy Trinity Kaisarivsky Monastery is still a long way to build up a number of pilgrims.

In 1612, the Polish Vijska occupied the region. The monastery of St. Gerasimos, ruined and abandoned, lies in ruins. As if the saint appeared in the dream of a woman, as if she suffered for a blind man for twelve years. Vіn having shown my place, de in zabutti lay his dearly valuable relics, and having asked to serve a panakhida. The woman, having beaten the hell out of it, healed. The monastery was then renovated.

Behind this first marvel, we will record in the 17th century, a lot of other blessed healings flowed from the toils of the Monk Gerasim: water, consecrated in the coffin chapel, earth from the grave, yogo mittevo eased the ailment and turned the healthy suffering. Not only everyone, who came to the chapel with faith to worship the monk's work, prayed and came out healthy with her, but often the saint of God and he himself was ill, who had not known him before, and punished them to go to his own work, about іtsyayuchi at tsomu ztsіlennya vіd rіznih ailments.


As if unembodied, the unanimous / and reverend spilnik, reverend Gerasim, / united to Vologda came to Vologda, / living in that great city / and in the new holy churches be erected / and set up as a saint. / And at the same time, you were honored with / be blessed with that honor / and, according to your reposed riches, you asked for miracles of healing.

Kontakion to Gerasim of Vologda

In youth, wisely, the worldly was stabbed to death, / and the rich rizi of the world hated you, / and the holy robe of the angelic lovingly embraced you, / and touched that one in pure conscience / and in good deeds, rіytsі the settlement / and having enlightened Thee with faith, what to come before you;

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Gerasim of Vologda, reverend

Reverend Gerasim was one of the first ascetics in the Vologda region; Ale Vin is not a native of Vologda.

The monk was born near Kiev. Even in childish years of wine, thinking about the life of Pustelnitskaya. Married, vіn vіrishiv to take vows at the chernets, for which reason, violating into one monastery, which was not far from Kiev, it was named Gniletska, but Glynetska. Arriving here, the reverend turned away from the traps to the meshkans, and they were empty to accept yoga from his conscience. Bachachi, diligently revered, the rotten ascetics adopted yoga from their suspense and after a non-trivial calmness (testing) they dragged yoga into a black jacket.

Under the ceremonies of the rotten elders, brought to the spiritual life, the Monk Gerasim began to labor diligently in the blacks' labors. Let’s sweat, upholding our body and praying, the young ascetic prospered more and more, getting better with the skin day at the garlic.

If the ascetic reached the age necessary for taking the priesthood (not less than 30 years), the brethren who labored with him urged you to take on the rank of presbyter.

Gerasim, out of humility, did not want to take on a great rank, but, acting on the easy-going brethren, maw vikonati їkhnє bazhannya.

At the dignity of the presbyter, the reverend, with great diligence, began to practice in the practice of black life. Remembering the words of the Savior: “It will be given to you richly, richly to be drawn to him,” Saint Gerasim did not try to acquire the talent of goodness given to you by God, but multiplying yoga.

Like a lamp, St. Gerasim has lighted our good lives, having offered a bloodless sacrifice to God, with great reverence and fear, fight innocently in prayer and fasting. In this case, the ascetic would say not only about his special salvation, but also about the salvation of his neighbors. Woe to the truly Christian bazhans, but brown for others, having flooded the country of Kiev and having gone to the distant pivnich, to the Vologda region, to illumine the light of the faith of Christ.

After a trival and important mandruvannya by foxes and swamps, reverend dostag, Nareshti, 19 Serpnya 1147 on the banks of the Vologda river. On the mіstsі of the Ninіshny mіsta of Vologda, there was also a small settlement and settlements with the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Gerasim chose a deaf fox to live in, which he saw in the forest of Vologda, planted by Kaysarov. Here, at the front of the river Vologda, in the middle of the forest forest, the Monk Gerasim, having ruled in a modest cell and in silence, is silent, is not respected by anyone and is not known to anyone, completely indulging in the thought of God and the exploits of the holy one, he is empty spruce life and days of night.

Little by little, the cell of the Monk Gerasim became the home of the Meshkants in the settlement of Vologda. Bachachi of the holy life of the samіtnik, many of the villagers came before the new one, asking for yoga prayers for the sake of it. The reverend himself, having become better acquainted with the inhabitants of Vologda and having gained their lack of knowledge at the faith of Christ, the remnants of Christianity at that time only began to expand in the great Trans-Volzky region, lighting up the half-mooned bazhans to serve for the sake of spiritual salvation x. For this reason, the venerable Virishiv wake up a church here in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, so that we can fall asleep at once at the new monastery.

To the youthful spirituality and uncompromising diligence, the Reverend Gerasimus began to rub the forest and clean the place for daily life. But if I turned away for help and sent them to the local residents, then it was cold to kill the yogo’s throat. To help the neighboring villagers, we didn’t know anyone who would want to settle with him, take the black monk’s tonsure and share yoga practice with him, more so, that there was no more monastic cloister in the beer night of Russia , and for the citizens of Vologda tse dilo it was new and incomprehensible.

Ale Reverend Gerasim not only did not know among the Meshkants of the far-off nights he spoke of his holy right, but he spun a protidium from the side of one of the wealthy landowners there. Ignorant of those who were landowners who were Christians, because of their transcendent stinginess, they did not want to give the venerable land necessary for the temple of that monastery; the land was then valued even more cheaply, especially near that deaf edge.

It was hard for a zealous ascetic to endure such an incomprehensible and cold setting until the construction of the holy namir - to create God's temple and monastery. However, the reverend did not lose heart and was not angry at the success of his undertaking, but, having become patient with patience, with great diligence and zeal, continued rozpochat, pratsyyuyuchi from early morning until evening.

Tim for an hour, a little bit about the name of the venerable old man, wake up the temple of God and at the new monastery, expanding its outskirts. Suvore ascetic life of the reverend, his masculinity, firmness and patience marveled and marveled at the restless peasants and glorified him. Yogo batkіvskі conversations and instigated, that they were suffocating with true Christian love, more and more lulled to a new heart. Some favored the reverend in yoga practice from the daily life of the church of that monastery, others wanted to practice yoga and sleep with the old man's ceramics. Thus, the church in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity was built without a hitch, and at once the first and most recent Trinity Kaisarivsky monastery was created near the pivnichny borders of Russia.

Until now, there have been no daily reports about the life and deeds of St. Gerasimus, who ruled over the church and monastery until his most blessed death, which came at the 1178th anniversary. Ale, without a doubt, at the thirty fates of the vines, having accomplished a lot of deeds, enlightening the Vologda region with the light of their honesty and the Gospel of the Gospel.

Over a hundred years, the monastery of the Holy Trinity flourished, radiantly impersonally pierced to the kissing trouble of its successor, which gave healing to all with faith to the new. But in 1612, when the attack of the Polish-Lithuanian gangs on the Vologda place was stopped, the monastery of St. Gerasim was devastated and devastated. The inhabitants of rose-trodden Vologda, after the fortification of the gate, were busy renovating and improving their houses, but then they forgot about the monastery. So the reverend added about those that the place, consecrated by yoga and deeds, did not come to a thorough forgetfulness: miraculously resurrecting and declaring, de resting yoga holy relics, and through it again revealing for the region of Vologda and for all Russia vicerpne dzherelo gracious gifts i health. It became so. One woman, who lived near Vologda, was blind for 12 years. The miracle worker appeared in his sleep and said: “Ask someone to lead yourself to me, to the great Trinity monastery, at the upper settlement, and serve a panakhida over my string; if you win, you will be healthy.”

Seeing that the flooring was chewing and hostile, the woman slumped over in a dream and said, having turned to the reverend, hold her spiritual eyes in front of her: “PLEASANT OF GOD! How can I find out about those places, children know you? I am blind, that holy place of yours, for our sins, in the presence of foreigners, roared.

The Reverend Vidpovidov: “If you tell me the truth, I will help you, then you will help the place.” And then, having caught a khustka in it, saying: “In that place, where you know your khustka tomorrow, ask to serve a panakhida there.”

The next day, early in the morning, the sleep asked to be taken to the great Trinity monastery, and, knowing her hustka in the monastery's pub, she asked to serve panakhida for the Monk Gerasim, after she saw it. Such a path again became the place of earthly work and the deeds of the reverend. Now already a lot of people, obsessed with various ailments, began to come here in order to take away, for the prayers of the saint of God, healing from their ailments.

Behind this first marvel, we will record in the 17th century, a lot of other blessed healings flowed from the toils of the Monk Gerasim: water, consecrated in the coffin chapel, earth from the grave, yogo mittevo eased the ailment and turned the healthy suffering. Not only everyone, who came to the chapel with faith to worship the monk's work, prayed and came out healthy with her, but often the saint of God and he himself was ill, who had not known him before, and punished them to go to his own work, about іtsyayuchi at tsomu ztsіlennya vіd rіznih ailments.

To help a lot of miracles, created by the Monk Gerasim, we will bring only those, as they are written down with more details and reports.

The villager of the Vologda district, Yakiv Savelov, had been ill with his feet for a long time. The ailment became more and more serious, so, nareshti, vin zlіg at the light and not in a moment destroy the mass. Undaunted by the strength of the likuvannya, help the doctors and healers Yakiv without taking off the hod. If the ills are no longer able to hope for their clothes, the Monk Gerasim appeared to you and said: “Yak! Tell your children to lead you to the chapel before me, to the Trinity Monastery; serve my grave panakhida and by the grace of God you will be healthy.

Unforgettably after the appearance of the Monk Yakiv, he became relieved of his ailments and, respecting that he was already well known for his guilt, not respecting the order of the saint for the need of a viconate and go to hell.

Prote, not two days have passed since the villager became ill again and began to suffer more richly, lower if. If, nareshti, the sufferers reminded Yogo, brought Yogo to your guilt in front of the reverend, and began to repent and shred about his disobedience, then the Monk Gerasim appeared again to you, punishing negainoly vikonat his colossal order. How many times Yakiv having rushed to the Trinity monastery and if, according to panahidi, venerated the icon that was at the time of the monk’s labors, and having drunk the consecrated water, once I saw myself in full health and in gratitude for my healing clave to write an icon of the reverend and a shorok, day in memory of yoga, come to worship before yoga.

Anikiy, a resident of Vologda, was unhealthy, and more than fate could not leave his house through his blindness. Yogo's mother Antonina, for a sick man, brought Yogo to the Church of the Holy Trinity, founded by the Monk Gerasim. After the prayerfulness of the prayer, the blind man bowed to the icon of the saint, firmly believing in the miraculous help. He was blindly blind and turned home without an escort, glorifying God and the saint Yogo, the intercessor of the sick - the Monk Gerasim.

Ignaty, a native of the town of Kargopol, who lived near Vologda, worked in the forest, saw unbearable toothache; torment by her, vіn zmusheny buv deprive the robot and turn home. Praying to the Monk Gerasimov on the road of vines, making thoughts to descend to bow down to yoga, - and the sickness of yoga passed away.

Otrimavshi zlіlennya that turning back home, Ignatiy stretched out three times without guessing about his obіtsyanka and without telling about vikonannya yogo. On the fourth day, his teeth and floorings fell ill again, so that his appearance was swollen; in the face of unbearable pain, I fell sideways and lay on the ground for a long time like the dead. Having lingered in this position of Ignatius, Yogo's squad rushed to the new, weeping and crying, bringing Yogo out of the earth. In front of him, she said to you with a spitting voice: “Forget your obityanka to the Monk Gerasimov and anger the Lord!”

Feeling it, Ignaty, having guessed about his abode and vіdraz well, anіtrochs do not call, violating on the road, mayuchi us to pray for the coffin of the saint of God. Tієї zh mitі Іgnatіy vіdchuv polegshennya vіd svoїh suzhdan.

On the way, you fell asleep on the thought that, perhaps, you should work for nothing and that in the form of your prayers, it’s unlikely that you would be greedy. Ale, only a little bit, but thinking about it, Yogo's ailment began to grow faint again. Todi Іgnatіy zrozumіv, scho vіn vіdkovo narazhetsya on ailment, scho nemesis of our salvation, the devil, tries to calm Yogo and instills in Yogo the mind of doubts in order to help yogo gracious help of the Monk Gerasim. Іgnatіy namagavsya then podolat pokuslivі thought and be established by faith in the saint of God, with tears crying out to him to help him.

Before the Trinity Church of St. Ignaty came at the hour of the evening and after the end of the її, asking for a panakhida to be served in the chapel at the labors of the Monk Gerasim. After Panakhidi Ignaty with faith, he clung to the icon of the monk and drank the consecrated water. Negaino vin vіdchuv healthy.

The old woman Sophia from Vologda suffered a lot from her eyes, and she spent her money on death. As if at night, the Monk Gerasim appeared in his sleep and punished the virushi to the Trinity Monastery, so that he would perform a panakhida there at the yogo tomb. However, Sophia did not give credit to her bachelor, respecting yoga dreams; The coming night the party was repeated, and even then the old woman ordered to be brought before that month, de bouve the Trinity Monastery. Arriving at the chapel of the monk, she fell down on her face before his icon, with tears asking for the healing of her ailments. At the end of the prayer service, the sleeper Sophia immediately saw the light and turned to the house of her healthy.

Khoma Andriev, a priest from one of the churches of the Vologda eparchy, arrived at the Trinity Church in 1666, asking the minister priest Gregory to serve in the chapel over the throne of St. oh rіk to that vin buv unwell and nothing better than five . tyzhniv. Having felt about the miracles that we had experienced at the time of the monk’s labors, having become crying out to him for help, and if one evening, lying down to sleep, giving the obityanka to go for a prayer service until the labors of yoga, then the lie was thrown in full health. In sympathy for the likuvannya of wines, setting oneself as a rule to scrupulously beat the miracle worker.

A lot of other wondrous and wonderful banners God created through His glorious saint, the Monk Gerasim.

At the letter of Patriarch Adrian 1691-1692. about the place of rest of the saint of God, it is said as follows: “And to lie down in a bushel near the earth, on the edge of the Vologda Posad, at the parish church of the Life-Giving Trinity on the monastery, in the chapel; at her tomb, under the chapel hіd, and from the trouble to take a finger there; and under the chapel, on the tomb, lie on the ground a blue stone and on the ground uphill to the platform of the chapel of the second arshin. If the deputies of the panakhids began to sing prayers during the labors of St. Gerasim, then if the holy celebration of Yomu has begun, it will be filled with nedomim for sure. Without a doubt, it happened after 1691 fate and, possibly, before the founding of the Holy Synod (1721).

From the book of Russian saints author Author of nevidomiya

Galaktion of Vologda, Rev. Our Reverend Father Galaktion was born in Moscow for the reign of John Vasilovich the Terrible (1533-1584); for his adventures he lay down to the noblest boyar family: Father Yogo Bov Prince Ivan Ivanovich Belsky, naschadok

From the book of Russian saints. Berezen-May author Author of nevidomiya

Grigory Pel'shemsky, Vologda, reverend wonderworker St. Gregory was born at the city of Galich in the fathers of the boyar family, rich and shamanized by princes, in the name of Lopotov. Batkom and matir'yu vіn buv vgodovaniya milk of the Divine Scripture and already in the early rock revealing

From the book of Russian saints author (Kartsova), nun Taisiya

Innocent Komelsky, Vologda miracle worker, the reverend Tsei reverend father, our Innocent, was born in the royal city of Moscow and resembled the family of the Moscow princes Okhlyabinikh, who was in power with the princes Khvorostinimi. Vіn buv virnim, vіddanim we will learn

From the books of the Vshanuvannya of the saints author Mikhalitsin Pavlo Evgenovich

Gerasim Boldinskiy, Rev. at Pereyaslav Zalisky. In early childhood, often seeing the temple of God. Having learned about the holy life of St. Danila of Pereyaslavsky, 13th Gregory with tears, asking the elder to accept yoga


Rev. Gerasim of Vologda (+ 1178) The memory of Yogo is holy on the 4th day of the namesake of St. Gerasim, who is in Jordan (+ 457), and on the 3rd Tizhden after Pentecost, the hour of the service of all St. Fathers Vologda Prp. Gerasim, hieromonk of one of the Kiev monasteries, preaching

From the book of the Great Saints. Unknown facts author Semenov Oleksiy

Rev. Demetrius of Prilutsk, Vologda (+ 1392) Remembrance is holy 11 lyut. on the day of the repose of that 6 linden testi from the Cathedral of the Radonezian saints as a svіvrozmovnik st. Sergius Prp. Dimitry was the son of a wealthy Pereyaslav merchant; vin at youth got a haircut at Pereyaslav Gorishchi

3 books by the author

Venerable Innokenty of Vologda and Komelsky (+ 1521) Commemoration of the 19th of June is celebrated on the day of repose, and on the 3rd Tizhden after Pentecost at once from the Cathedral of the Novgorod Saints. Innocent (prince Okhlyabinin in the world) was tonsured at the Kirilo-Biloozersky monastery. Potim wine

3 books by the author

Rev. Gerasim Boldinsky (+ 1554) Commemoration of this holy day is celebrated on May 1 on the day of the repose, on January 23 at once from the Cathedrals of the Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints and Tizhny before the 28 lime at once from the Cathedral of the Smolensk Saints. Gerasim was born on the basis of the XV century. and thirteen rokiv vіd narodzhennya

3 books by the author

Venerable Gerasimus was born in Lykia (Asia Minor). From my youth, I have venerated piety. Having accepted blackness, the reverend pishov coalesced in the Fivaidskaya desert (Egypt). Close to 450 r. The venerable one came to Palestine and settled down in Jordan, de falling asleep

3 books by the author

Galaktion, reverend, martyr of Vologda in the world, named Gavriel, son of the unfortunate Prince John Ivanovich of Belsky, who served as a boyar at the court of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Gavriil bov sіm rokіv, if the father of yoga; relatives, to hide from the angry young king

3 books by the author

HERASIM, Reverend Vologda was born near Kiev, and there he was tonsured by the Chentsi at the Glushensky monastery. The handwritten life of Gerasim says that he came from Kiev to Vologda in 1147. in those places, where the great fox had the middle settlement of the Resurrection of Christ, the lazy square is small

3 books by the author

GERASIM, Reverend First Abbot and Founder of Boldin Holy Trinity Monastery, which is located 15 versts from Dorogobuzh. Monastir of promptings in 1528 roci. Power off. Gerasim rest at the cathedral Trinity stone church. Mіstseva commemorating you to go on 1 May (81) Іst.

3 books by the author

IGNATIY, Venerable Vologda Hermit of the Vadoz Bogoroditsky Monastery, Rev. Kiril Biloezersky, having fallen asleep for 60 miles from the place of Vologda, a desert, which was called until 1673. Ipatievskaya Spaska, and then Lomovsky monastery. Abode Lomivska skasovan

3 books by the author

INNOKENTY, Reverend Vologda son of the boyar Okhlebinin and relative of the princes Khvorostin, was tonsured at the Kirilov Biloozersky monastery; having risen in price with his teacher, the Reverend Nil of Sorsky, with similar holy mists, a sprat of rokiv is alive in Athos those days

3 books by the author

SERGIUS, Reverend Vologda, Nuromsky, a Greek by birth, came to Russia from Athos Mountain to the monastery of St. Trinity to prep. Sergius of Radonez, and for a few days we will learn yoga. Bazhayu pustelnoj osamіtnennya, vіn asking for blessings from Sergius, and rushing to the Obnorsk volost.

3 books by the author

4.1. The Monk Gerasim of Jordan Gerasim of Jordan was born in the 5th century in Lykia in the heart of a wealthy homeland. At the early fates of the life of wines, having emptied wealth, she accepted blackness. Gerasim pishov at the Egyptian desert, de alive to the righteous and ascetic life. Viyshovshi from empty, Gerasim

Short Life of St. Gerasim of Vologda

Mo-na-she-ske in-stri-zhe-nya, having accepted from Ki-єv-skyi Rot-lec-kiy Uspen-sky obi-ti-li, de-spending his days in incessant pracs and deep mid-day prayers. From the hearing of the brothers of the wines, having taken the dignity of ієro-mo-na-ha.

According to the reach of the spirit-hov-noi zrі-lo-stі pre-advance Ge-ra-sim vіd-right-vil-sya on pіvnіch Ru-si і pri-yshov on the river Po-log-du. Here, having awakened your own chi-zhi-nu and in silence, I went-ny-n-nya, giving me a bo-go-miss-ley, ceaselessly mo-lit-vі and psalm-mo-Pe-niya. Gradually, but getting closer to the mіstsevimi zhi-te-la-mi, pre-added to-zh-lal for their soul-sh-no-go-spa-se -nya induce the temple in them 'I'm the Holy Trinity and founding at the new bagger. Thanks to the patience and the unfortunate practices of the saint, the first and most recent in the pivnіchny pre-deeds of Rus-si are being created. wash

Under the hour of your life, pre-advance Ge-ra-sim pro-holy with the light of the Evangelical-go-go-when-lo-year-sky region: od-їх about-ra-schaal z yazi-che -stva in the right-in-sla-vі, іnshih ukrіp-lav in the ve-re і pіd-der-zhi-val in co-blu-de-nіі for-ve-dei Hrі-hundred-vih. He died on the 4th of Birch, 1178, and after the death of the power of yogo, they became the source of the blessings of them so-rіv і is-ts-le-niy. Moreover, the saint himself is ill, he does not know yoga, and commanding them to go to his grave, committing himself to his treatment of various ailments.

Beyond the Life of St. Gerasim of Vologda

Pre-advance Ge-ra-sim buv one of the first in-ruh-nі-kіv in the Vo-lo-god-sky edge; but he himself was not born in the year-old-year-old woman.

I was born in Ki-e-vi. Even in childish years of wine, thinking about the life of a child. Voz-mu-zhav-shi, vіn virіshiv to accept in the mo-na-she-stvo, for which i vіd-right-vil-sya in one-well-ho-div-shu-yu -sya nevda-le-tsі vіd Ki-e-va monastery, іmen-but-vav-shu-yu-sya Rot-lec-koyu, or Glі-nets-koyu. Arriving here, yes, pre-additional about-ra-til-sya to the village-no-kam tsієї pu-sti-ni accept yoga from your comradeship. Bachachi is diligently desirable, pre-beautiful, rotten-let-kі in-ruh-nі-ki with-ny-whether yogo in your partnership and after non-pro-dov-zhi-tel-no-go is-ku -sa (is-py-ta-niya) ob-lek-whether їх at my-on-she-clothes-i-nie.

Under the ceremonies of the rotten elders, who were brought to the spiritual life, the Monk Gerasim diligently began to walk in the practice of others. Let's sweat, subduing our body and praying, the young towel-maker, having succeeded more and more, thoroughly - fell with the skin day at the good-ro-de-te-lyah.

If the ascetic has reached the age, in a tri-no-go for a better-than-sa-on-holy-no-go (not less than 30 years), pid-vi -the head of the brethren with him before-lo-ji-whether youma take on the rank of pre-sve-te-ra.

Ge-ra-sim zі smi-re-niya didn’t want to take on the ve-li-ko-go-on, ale, yielding to the stіy-chi-vim of the brethren, the buv vikonati is guilty.

At the saint's pre-sve-te-ra, pre-better, with greater diligence, he began to advance in the practices of the black life. Remembering the words of Spa-si-te-la: “Yes, yes, but you will be rich, you will be rich in sight of the new,” St. Gerasim did not -ro-de-la-nya, ale with smartly embossing yoga.

In a better way, St. Gerasim svitiv us his good life, bringing to God Bloodless Sacrifice, with ve-li-kim b-go-go-ve-nі-єm and fear pіd-vі-for-yuch without-pre-stand-but in mo-lit-vі і after. With this, the rushnyk cared not only about his special spa, but about the spa of his neighbors. Go-rya іs-tin-but hri-sti-an-skim same-la-nі-єm buti korisny for іnshih, vіn having flooded the country of Kyivska and virishiv іd-ty to the distant Pіvnіch, to the region of Vo-lo-god-sku, for pro-svіt-nya її svіtl vі-ri Christova.

After the pro-dov-zhi-tel-no-go and labor-no-go kraїn-stvo-va-nya through the forests and more-lo-there pre-advance-achieved, finally, 19 Av -gu-hundred 1147 be-re-gov re-ki Vo-log-di. On the mі-ste of the nі-nesh-not-go-ro-yes In the log-di todi there was a small se-le-nya, but in the garden from the church-to-v'u one hundred Ge-ra-sim vi-brave yourself for living a deaf forest, scho vіd-dіlyav-sya vіd sa-yes. -R-vim. Here, at the lu-ver-stі vіd the river Vo-log-di, in the middle of the fіs-noї cha-shchi, pre-po-dob-ny Ge-ra-sim vlashtuvav modestly cell and in silence go away-no-nya, no-one and no-thing not rose-vle-ka-e-miy and no-one-to-do-my, all-whole pre-give-sya bo-ho-miss- liu and on the move of su-ro-voi in-shel-nі-che-skoї life, days and nights of pro-vo-dya in mo-lit-wah and psalm-mo-peniї.

Ma-lo-po-ma-lu kel-liya pre-do-dob-no-go Ge-ra-si-ma sta-but-vi-lasya z-west-noy zhi-te-lyam in-sa-yes Log-dee. Bachachi holy life vіd-shel-nі-ka, richly hto from the villagers came-ho-di-li to the new, pro-yogo mo-lit-vi and co-ve-ta. I myself pre-added, closer to-know-miv-shi z zhi-te-la-mi at the ve-re Christ-stoї, so like christ-stі-an-stvo in that hour only for-cha-lo roses-pro-country-sya in a wide-range Over the Volga region, voz- go-rel-sya half-myanim same-la-nі-єm in the service of de-lu-du-shev-no-go spa-se-nya їx. With the help of the method of pre-better virishiv, induce here the temple in the name of the Holy Tri-i-qi, on-me-re-va-yuch at the same hour-I was-but-wati for the new i monastery.

From the youth-shim ode-shev-le-nі-єm and nevtom-mi-mim user-dі-єm having started pre-add-on Ge-ra-sim rubati lіs and clean me -One hundred for everyday life. Ale, if the wines were turned for help and co-action to there-mosh-nim zhi-te-lyam, then yogo request was met at the first time before -will-but ho-lod-but. From the number of susіdіv and neighboring villagers, there was no one, who would want to settle with him, accept my-on-she-ske in-stri-zhe-nya and in-departure with him yogo work, tim more, scho on this -ve-re Ru-si todі was not yet alike obi-ti-whether mo-on-she-skoї, and for obi-ta-te-lei carried-han-nim.

Ale pre-add-on Ge-ra-sim not only don’t know-in zhi-te-lyakh far-not-go-se-ve-ra spivchutya-his-holy-to-mu-de-lu, ale str -tіl navіt pro-ti-vo-dіyu from a hundred-ro-no-one-but-th-mosh-not-go-go-to-go-to-earth-vla-del-tsya. Do not marvel at those that the landowner is Christ-a-nі-nom, because of the reason of his supra-worldly bore-in-the-sleep-cha-la, he didn’t want to give pre-good-but-to-earth , necessary-ho-di-mu for the temple-mu and mo-na-sti-rya; the earth-la at that hour tsi-nі-lasya was more de-che-in, especially in that deaf land.

Heavier-lo-lo-re-no-city roar-nost-no-mu in a ruh-nі-ku such inconsistency and cold-not-vis-no-she-nya to zdijsnen -nya yoga of the holy-th-on-me-re-nya - Create God's temple and bag. On the other hand, having not lost heart and did not look at the success of his undertaking, ale, having armed -shis ter-pe-nі-єm, more with more-shim user-dі-єm і roar -nistyu pro-dov-zhav-cha-te, laboring leather day after wound until ve-ra.

Tim, for an hour, a rumor about the purpose of the re-benevolent old man to build the temple of God and for the new mo-na-stir spread around the outskirts. Strictly in a ruh-nі-che-ske life of a pre-beneficial, yoga masculinity, firmness and patience zdiv-la-li and zoom-la-whether otochyuyuchy yogo villagers and glorified yogo . Yogo othe-che-skі be-se-di and on-stav-le-nya, di-shav-shі іs-tin-but hri-sti-an-skoї lu-bo-v'yu, everything is bigger-bo- more attracted-ka-whether to the new heart їх. One-of-the-same-la-whether co-action-to-pre-do-be-no-mu in yoga pracies in the wake of the church and obi-ti-li, іnshі for-ho-te-li pіd yogo old-che-sky ker_vnitstvo pіd-vi-zati-sya and co-living-tel-stvo-vat yoma. So nevdovzі buv vlashtovaniy temple in the name of Life-in-the-beginning-noї Tro-i-tsi and the hour of creations the first and most recent at the pіvnіchnih pre-de-lah Ru-si Tro-іts-ky Kai-sa-rіv- skoy mo-on-stir.

Before us, there have not been any records about life and de-i-tel-no-stі pre-be-good-no-go Ge-ra-si-ma on the arrangement of the temple and obi-ti-li until sa-my bless-wife-noї yogo end-repair, after-to-vav-shey in 1178. Ale, without a doubt, at thirty rokiv vіn zdіysniv richly ruhіv, illuminating the country of Vo-lo-year-sku with the light of their good-ro-de-te-lei and Evangelical evan-gel’s vchennya.

More than four-rekh vikiv pro-tsvі-ta-la potim the monastery of the Holy Tri-i-qi, attracting a lot of god-moth-tsiv to the qil-bo-nose-but-tho-gro- b-e-th-os-no-va-te-la, yes-vav-she-go is-tse-le-nya with faith to the new p-b-gav-shim. Ale in 1612, if it was zі-ver-she-but on-pa-de-nya of the Polish-co-li-tov-sky sha-ek on the city ra-si-ma b-la co-ver-shen-but opu-hundred-she-na ta ra-zo-re-na. Zhi-te-whether ra-zo-ren-noї In-log-di by far-nі-not-at-I-te-la for-ny-fox voz-on-new-le-nі-єm i vlastu- the property of their own houses, but for-whether about obi-those. Todi pre-additional in-for-bo-ti-sya about those, schob mi-hundred, consecrated-not yoga work-da-mi and move-ha-mi, didn’t come to for-not-for-bve-nie: vіn miraculously but vіdkriv and having shown, de-ko-yat-yogo holy relics, and through tse again revealed for the country in the-lo-god-skaja and for all Russia neis-cher-pa-e-my source of b-go-dat-them da-riv and is-purpose-le-niy. It happened so. One-on-wife, pro-zhy-va-sha in Vo-log-de, bula 12 rokіv sі-sing. A miracle-to-create appeared-sya їy uvі dream and said-hall: mo-na-stir, at the top in a sa-de, and over the coffin of my-im vіd-serve pa-ni-hi-du; if you win, you will be healthy.”

Vi-de-nya was on the flooring vividly and in-ra-zi-tel-but, that the woman-shchi-on that vіdrazu pro-wa-di-las in the dream and said-for-la, about-ra-tiv- go to the pre-be-good-no-mu, like a bi-batch-ya yogo with your-i-mi spirit-hov-ni-mi-o-mi-before-fight: “God-pleaser! How can I recognize those places, de ty in chi-va-yesh? I am blind, that and thy place is holy according to our sins with our presence of foreign-tribesmen in roses-re-but.

Pre-do-be-negative vіdpovіd їy: “If you are defiantly doing my help, then you will help me.” And then, having wrapped a handkerchief in it, he said: “In that place, you know tomorrow your handkerchief, there and ask to serve the lady. xi-du".

The next day, early in the morning, the blind woman asked for help to herself in the Trinity monastery, and, having found her handkerchief at the pub of the monastery, - in a good way Ge-ra-si-mu, after seeing something out of the blue. In such a way, it was again built up with the help of the earthly labors and in a ruhіv pre-beautiful. Now it’s already rich-something, otrim-ti-mі-but-mi ailments-nya-mi, began to come here in order to radiate, according to your prayers, please God, is-tse-le -nya in the form of illnesses of their own.

For the first diva, for the pi-san-him in the 17th hundred years, for the richness of other good-dat-ni-is-le-niya in the coffin of pre-good-no-go Ge-ra-sі-ma: yes, consecrated in the gro-bo-voi hour-owl, earth-la z could-gi-whether yogo mittevo - vein-but about-easily-cha-whether the ailment and return the health of the guardian. Not only everyone who came at o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o’s ho-di-whether it is healthy-ro-vi-mi, ale often a hundred-pleaser of God and he himself is sick, before that, he didn’t know yoga , and at-ka-zy-val їm іti-ti to your coffin, obіtsyayuchi at tsmuu research in the form of different ailments.

From the number of bagatioh miracles, the creation of them pre-added by Ge-ra-sі-mom, we are given only t -fraction-no-stu and ob-hundred-I-tel-no-stu.

Se-st-nin Vo-lo-year-sko-go poїzh-yes Іa-kov Sa-ve-lov for a long time buv is unhealthy-no-ga-mi. The ailment has become more and more serious, so, nareshti, vin zlіg at the bed and not in the camp, squirm from the moon. Do not marvel at the strength of the la-che-nya, with the help of the doctors and the knowledge of Yakiv, he did not receive any. If the ailments are not mav, there is no hope for your recovery, the Monk Gerasim appeared to you and th-Vo-rit: “Yakov! Chi led their children to lead you to me in the year, to the Trinity Monastery; bіlya coffin of my-e-go-serve pa-ni-hi-du, and mi-leist of God you will be healthy.

Nevdovzі pіslya yav-lennya pre-beneficially Іа-kov in-feelings about-easiness-th-nya in the illness of his own i, supposedly, what wine already completed, but mastering the sight of the new, not having taken into account the need for viconati of the saint’s ve-le-th and go to the yogo coffin.

However, it didn’t take two days after that, like a villager, he became unhealthy again and began to suffer much more than once. If, nareshti, suffering from the vra-zu-mi-whether yogo, bring yogo to the knowledge of your guilt-new-nost before pre-add-it, and win the roses-ka-i- wati-sya and shkoduvati about your not-hearing-sha-ni, then again appearing to you pre-additional Ge-ra-sim, commanding nega-but-but vikonati your own amount at -ka-for-nya. So many times Yakіv rushed to the Trinity monastery and if after the mourning pa-nі-hi-di laying down to the icon, on -ho-did-shi-sya at the thunder beer consecrated-no-noї-di, vіdrazu well-feeling-stvo-wow-y-y-y-ver-shen-but healthy and in bla-go-gift-nіst for your use-le-nie-lo- alive obіtsyanku na-pi-sat iko-well pre-po-add-but-go and scho-year-but on the day of yoga pa-m'ya-ti come-ho-dit on-clo-not-nya before yoga gro-boo

A resident of Vo-log-di Ani-kiy buv ill-healthy eyes and more than a year, not a moment to leave his booth for the reason of his slі-po-ti. Mati Yogo, An-to-nі-na, for the obіtsyan-nyam of the sick brought yoga to the church of the Most Holy Tri-i-qi, os-but-van-well, pre-add-nim ​​Ge-ra -si-mom. According to the zdіysnennі here prayers sі-pets pri-lo-live to the icon of the saint, firmly to believe in yogo chu-do-dіysnu according to -Mots. Tієї zheny sі-po-po-zrіv i turned to-mine without pro-mother-tho, glorify God and please Yogo, behind the steps - pre-better-but-go Ge-ra-si-ma.

Іg-na-tіy, ur-wife of the city-ro-da Kar-go-po-la, living-vav-shiy at Vo-log-di, working in the forest, feeling stvo-shaft nester-pі-my tooth bіl; mu-chi-miy with her, vin pri-nu-den buv deprive ra-bo-tu and in-turn to-mine. According to the way of the wine, praying to the pre-benefit-no-mu Ge-ra-si-mu, obіtsyayuchi mis-len-but go to the clo-not-ny yoga gro-Bu, - and sickness yoga mittevo passed.

Having got the best use and turning home, Ig-na-ty at those-th-th three-dib did not guess about his promise and didn’t care about the use half-no-yogo. On the fourth day, his teeth ached again, and the flooring was severe, so that all his appearances were swollen; in the face of unbearable bo-whether falling on-v-nіch and lying on the ground for a long time like the dead. Having lingered in this position of Ignatius, the squad of Yogo rushed to the new, crying and crying, pіdіymayuchi yoga from the earth. When you won’t say-for-la you z go-re-chyu: “For-buy your obіtsyanku pre-be-good-to Ge-ra-sі-mu and tim pro-angering the Lord in such a way! »

Feeling tse, Ignaty guessing about his home and immediately, the antrohi did not call, having set off on the road. re-va-yuchis to pray at the coffin to please God. Those same mittєvest Іg-on-tіy feeling-stvo-vav about-easier-che-nya in the face of their suffering.

Do-ro-goy youmu slept on the thought, sho, buti can, work in vain and sho vіd mo-lit-vi yogo ed-va chi will be ka-kai youmu -Ni-be useful-for. Ale only-but vіn thinking tse, the ailment of yogo sleep-on-cha-la help. Todi Іg-na-tіy zrozumіv, sho vіn not chai-tea-but pіd-ver-ga-there is ailment, that the enemy of the spa-se-n-on-the-she-go, devil, tries to vikusiti yogo and instills in yogo rozum zі mnnya in order to help yogo gracious help. cabbage soup pre-better-but-go Ge-ra-si-ma. Іg-on-tіy stared at the same time in a way is-ku-si-tel-nі according to mis-li and approved by faith-swarm to please God, zі sli-for-mi calling yogo to help you.

Before the Trinity Church, Ig-na-ty come at noon in the evening and at the end of її, asking for a service of pa-ni-chi-du in the o'clock at the gro-bi pre-good-no-go Ge-ra-si- ma. After pa-ni-hi-di Іg-na-tiy with faith, I attached myself to the icon of the pre-good and wi-beer consecrated water. Tієї well years of wine, feeling yourself completely healthy.

Old-ri-tsa So-fiya z Vo-log-di strong-but stra-da-la eyes-for-mi and finally co-ver-shen-but in-te-ra-la zir-nya . Once at night, appearing at the dream of the pre-additional Ge-ra-sim, and ordered the right-to-right-to-be-for-Ts-to-to-Ts-to-to-to-st-ryu, to rob there pa-ni-hi-du with yogo coffin-ni-tsі. However, So-f_ya did not give-da-la vіri to his own vі-de-nyu, in a readable yogo sword-ta-nі-єm; on the next-du-yu-shchuyu nothing in the second-ri-moose, and then the old-ri-tsa ve-le-la ve-sti yourself before that mi-stu, de bouve Trinity monastery . Arriving at o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o, o th ailment-ha. After the end of the prayer of the sle-pai So-fiya, it was immediately pro-zre-la and ver-ti-las at the booths of your co-op-shen-but healthy.

Priest of one of the churches of the Vo-lo-year-skoї єparhії Fo-ma An-dre-єv, having arrived at the Trinity Church in 1666, pro-forced the strength of the priest of Gri-go-riy vіd-slu -live in the owl hours over the coffin of the pre-beautiful Ge-ra-si-ma pa- nі-hi-du and after it voiced that rіk ago vin was very unhealthy and didn’t have anything we rule with the eye of more p'ya-ti tyzhniv. Feeling about the miracle, co-ver-sha-yu-shchi-sya at the gro-bі pre-do-good-no-go, vіn becoming yogo sobi for help, and if one time in the evening, kicking to sleep, having given the obityanka to go down for prayer until the coffin of yoga, then in the morning I woke up completely healthy. Have a bla-go-dar-nіst for the purpose of wines, having set for yourself for the right-in-a-year-but b-vati was a coffin of a miracle-before-creation.

Rich and other wondrous and wonderful knowledge of the zі-creating God through His glorious pleasing to the pre-beautiful Ge-ra-si-ma.

At gra-mo-ti pat-ri-ar-ha Adri-a-na 1691-1692 r.b. about the place upo-ko-e-nya pleasing God-in-rit-sya like this: -go-sa-yes, at the parish temple Zhi-vo-na-chal-noy Tro-i-qi on the mo-na-sti-rі, in the hour; in the niy coffin, nіd hour-owl-nyu hіd, and from the coffin take a finger there; and under the hour-owl-n_y, against the coffin-ni-qi, lies on the earth a blue stone and in the earth uphill to the help of a hundred hours-owl-nі pіv-to-ra ar-shi-na " . If vmі-hundred pa-nі-hіd at gro-bі pre-be-good-no-go He-ra-si-ma began to sleep mo-leb-ni, other words, if it started mіstseve vyatkuvannya yoma, zalishaetsya nevіdomim for sure. Undoubtedly, it happened after the year 1691 and, possibly, before the founding of the Holy Synod (1721).


Troparion to the Monk Gerasimov of Vologda

Like a Bezplodny dinorivny / and similar spivdomnik, similar to Gerasim, / united to Vologda came єsi, / prophesying that butіyu hail to the great / and in the new holy church zdіynyavsya / with its wealth of miracles zlіlen sіlen єsi.

Translation: Riving for the image of the Innocent Powers [angels] and the reverend of one mind, Gerasim, one of you came to the river Vologda, prophesying there to be a great place, and the holy church will wake up in the new one, and the saints will appear there. That is why you deserved to be honored by the blessing of that place, and after your death, your riches became famous for miracles of healing. Pray for us, to take the grace of the sight of God.

Kontakion to the Monk Gerasimov of Vologda

In youth, wiser, the worldly stabbed to death, / and rich rizi of the tlіnnі znavidіv єsi, / and the holy clothes of an angelic lovingly taking on thou, / and that dotrimavsya Triytsі village / and enlightening єsi vіroy, sho to come before you;

Translation: From youth, wisdom, worldly mundane things, having washed them away and dear, but schile until death, you don’t love your clothes, but reverently accepting the holy angelic clothes and saving him with your pure conscience and good right, and even before your death through Divine life having become the abode of the Holy Trinity ( ) and having enlightened with faith the quiet that comes before you, everything will be up to you: rejoice, Father Gerasim, a special day of special chanting.

The main source of biographical information about St. Gerasim is "The Tale of the Miracles of Gerasim of Vologda", written by Foma around 1666 with the blessing of Markel, Archbishop of Vologda and Great Perm. Vidpovidno to the point, I was born near Kiev, and then I became a novice at the monastery, which in life is called "Glushensky". However, according to the thought of the contributors, here a pardon was allowed at the document, shards of "such a monastery in the XII century, never happened in the Kiev province." It’s imaginary to go about Gniletska Uspenska empty or Glushitsky monastery near the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. At the age of 30, I took the rank of presbyter. Opovid rozpovida about those that the saint came from Kiev to the river Vologda in 1147 and fell asleep on the so-called Lazy Maidan human monastery in honor of the Holy Trinity, where Vologda has grown.

“Leto 6655 (1147) Serpnya on the 19th day, on a riddle
holy martyr Andriy Stratilat, come
Reverend Father Gerasim in the City of God
Kiev, Glushensky monastery tonsured, before
Vologda river, up to the cob of the city of Vologda, on
great fox, in the middle suburb Voskresinnya
Christ's Lіnivі maidanchiki small Torzhok,
and having created a great monastery for glory
Holy Trinity, overlooking the river Vologda
on the field",

The dating of the foundation of the monastery is subject to a great sumnivu. So, historians A.N. Bashenkin and I. P. Kukushkin points out the importance of the practice of monastic life at the pivnichny gathering of Russia in the XII century:

Nothing is known about this activity after the foundation of the monastery and until death itself. The Monk Gerasim died in 1178. At the letter of Patriarch Adrian 1691-1692 r.b. about the place of yoga, I will rest in peace, it is said like this:

The canonical date of Gerasim's death is 4 birch. However, historians add the accuracy of sumnivu: “It was suspected that the day was commemorating the day of remembrance of another, greater than the famous Saint Gerasim - Gerasim of Jordan, who is celebrated by the whole Church, who died on 4 March at".

The lists of the life of St. Gerasim are rather rare. Behind the admissions of the wives, “it was like an early life, as if the hour of the destruction of Vologda by the Polish-Swedish pens in the Troubled Hours, in 1612, could have perished, if the foundations of Gerasim Troitsky were destroyed on the Kaisarovsky stream of the monastery. About tse povіdomlyaєtsya in the Saying of the XVII century. about the miracles of Gerasim. One of the lists is in the possession of the Sovereign Historical Museum in Moscow, the other is in the collection from the library of the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery No. 37/36. Science achievements there was no memorial. It is listed in the "Orthodox Encyclopedia", another list is in the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve. In the rest of the list, zokrema, there are about those that the author, Chance John Kerzhensky, had access to “a special book of ancient writing”, in which the miracles of the saint were included in 37 articles.

Vshanuvannya and canonization

After the destruction of the Trinity Monastery by the Poles in 1612, the funeral of the successor was spent and resurrected in less than a decade. Z the rest of the way show numerical miracles. Zgidno with the records of the priest of the Trinity Church, Fr. Grigory Popov, in 1649-1666, the year was 37. One of the miracles on the 6th day of 1649 was celebrated by Archbishop Markel. In 1690, the brotherhood of the Vologda Spiritual Sustainability Monastery turned to the petitioner to Patriarch Adrian to allow Gerasim to be glorified as a saint. However, in 1699, the recognition of Archbishop Gavriil in the last year was recognized by him. Gavrilo after talking sumnіv at the effectiveness of wonderworking:

However, despite the archbishop's fence, Gerasim's shunning by the monks continued. In 1717, the Trinity Church was built of wood, in which the power was saved, it was replaced with stone. The relics were transferred to cancer. In 1811, the Monk Gerasim was already included in the official list of Vologda saints compiled by Bishop Evgen (Bolkhovitinov), and in 1841 the holy canonization confirmed the inclusion of his name in the Cathedral of the Vologda Saints. In 1894, the Vologda City Council praised the appointed day of Gerasim's coming to Vologda with a hell of a move.

Kam'yana Church of the Trinity of Life-Giving at Kaisar's stream, more like "Triytse-Gerasimivska", woke up less than the second century. Її architectural style was characterized as "provincial baroque". In the 1930s the church was closed, and in the 1940s the vshcheniy was taken. Obviously, that bula was irrevocably consumed by the shrine with the relics of St. Gerasim. In 2008, a commemorative cross was erected on the mіsts of the church that was brought to the temple. It was also voiced about those who are planning to build a chapel in honor of the saint in this city, but no plans were made to do so.

Remember the 4th birch (according to the Julian calendar) and the 3rd day (week) after Pentecost - at the Cathedral of the Vologda Saints.


The earliest icon depicting St. Gerasimus is dated to the 2nd half of the 17th century. Before the revolution, it was in the head iconostasis of the Trinity-Gerasimivska Church, the levoruch in the royal gates, white pivnichnoy wall. Ninі won't be taken from the Vologda Museum-Reserve (VDIAHMZ). On it, the Crimea of ​​Gerasim of Vologda, depicts Dimitry Prilutsky and John of Mercy.

The image of the saint is also embroidered on the next icons, which are saved from the VDIAHMZ funds: the horse-weaver "Reverend Gerasim and Galaktion of the Vologda wonderworkers" (XVIII century); "Saved the Almighty (Smolensk) from the Vologda saints" (1779); "The Apparition of the Theotokos and St. Mikoli the Miracle Worker Palamar Yurish with the Saints ”(XVIII century) and in.

According to tradition, St. Gerasim is depicted wearing a black robe (cassock, cassock, belts, mantles, robes on his chest, schema on his head and shoulders) and cloaks, with blessing right hand and suvoiem at the left hand. Similar to the icon-painting original of Filimonov, Gerasim “I will look like a sib, a brother like Vasil of Caesarea, a robe of the venerable one”.

The main source of biographical information about St. Gerasim is "The Tale of the Miracles of Gerasim of Vologda", written by Foma around 1666 with the blessing of Markel, Archbishop of Vologda and Great Perm. Vidpovidno to the point, I was born near Kiev, and then I became a novice at the monastery, which in life is called "Glushensky". However, according to the opinion of the contributors, here a pardon was allowed at the document, shards of "such a monastery in the XII century, never happened in the Kiev province." It’s imaginary to go about Gniletska Uspenska empty or Glushitsky monastery near the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. At the age of 30, I took the rank of presbyter. Opovid rozpovida about those that the saint came from Kiev to the Vologda river in 1147 and fell asleep on Kaisar's stream of a man's monastery in honor of the Holy Trinity.

From the "Life of Gerasim of Vologda"

“Leto 6655 (1147) Serpnya on the 19th day, on a riddle
holy martyr Andriy Stratilat, come
Reverend Father Gerasim in the City of God
Kiev, Glushensky monastery tonsured, before
Vologda river, up to the cob of the city of Vologda, on
great fox, in the middle suburb Voskresinnya
Christ's Lіnivі maidanchiki small Torzhok,
and having created a great monastery for glory
Holy Trinity, overlooking the river Vologda
on the field ",

The dating of the foundation of the monastery is subject to a great sumnivu. So, historians A.N. Bashenkin and I. P. Kukushkin points out the importance of the practice of monastic life at the pivnichny gathering of Russia in the XII century:

Nothing is known about this activity after the foundation of the monastery and until death itself. The Monk Gerasim died in 1178. At the letter of Patriarch Adrian - mm. about the place of yoga, I will rest in peace, it is said like this:

The canonical date of Gerasim's death is 4 birch. However, historians point out the accuracy of sumnivu: “This day was suspected to be celebrated by the whole Church as the day of remembrance of another, more famous Saint Gerasimus - Gerasimus of Jordan, who died on 4 Birch 475”.

The lists of the life of St. Gerasim are rather rare. Behind the admissions of the wives, “it was like an early life, as if the hour of the destruction of Vologda by the Polish-Swedish pens in the Troubled Hours, in 1612, could have perished, if the foundations of Gerasim Troitsky were destroyed on the Kaisarovsky stream of the monastery. About tse povіdomlyaєtsya in the Saying of the XVII century. about the miracles of Gerasim. One of the lists is currently in the Sovereign Historical Museum in Moscow, the other is in the collection from the library of the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery No. 37/36. Science research of the monument was not carried out. It is listed in the "Orthodox Encyclopedia", another list is in the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve. In the rest of the list, zokrema, there are about those that the author, Chance John Kerzhensky, had access to “a special book of ancient writing”, in which the miracles of the saint appeared in 37 articles.

Vshanuvannya and canonization

After the destruction of the Trinity Monastery by the Poles in 1612, the funeral of the successor was spent and resurrected in less than a decade. For the rest of the journey, numerical miracles will be performed. Zgidno with the records of the priest of the Trinity Church, Fr. Grigory Popov, in -1666 it was 37. One of the miracles on the 6th of March 1649 was celebrated by Archbishop Markel. In 1690, the brotherhood of the Vologda Spiritual Sustainability Monastery turned to the petitioner to Patriarch Adrian to allow Gerasim to be glorified as a saint. However, in 1699, the recognition of Archbishop Gavriil in the last year was recognized by him. Gavrilo after talking sumnіv at the effectiveness of wonderworking:

However, despite the archbishop's fence, Gerasim's shunning by the monks continued. In 1717, the wooden Trinity Church, in which the power was saved, was replaced with stone. The relics were transferred to the shrine. In 1811, the Monk Gerasim was already included in the official list of Vologda saints compiled by Bishop Evgen (Bolkhovitinov), and in 1841 the holy canonization confirmed the inclusion of his name in the Cathedral of the Vologda Saints. In 1894, the Vologda City Council praised the appointed day of Gerasim's coming to Vologda with a hell of a move.


The image of the saint is also embroidered on the next icons, which are saved from the VDIAHMZ funds: the horse-weaver "Reverend Gerasim and Galaktion of the Vologda wonderworkers" (XVIII century); "Saved the Almighty (Smolensk) from the Vologda saints" (1779); "The Apparition of the Theotokos and St. Mikoli the Miracle Worker Palamar Yurish with the Saints ”(XVIII century) and in.

According to tradition, St. Gerasim is depicted wearing a black robe (cassock, cassock, belts, mantles, robes on his chest, schema on his head and shoulders) and cloaks, with blessing right hand and suvoiem at the left hand. Appropriate to the icon-painting original Filimonov, Gerasim " Podіbnistyu siv, brother like Vasil of Caesarea, vestments of the venerable» .


The monument to Gerasim of Vologda was unveiled on 28 March 2012 near Vologda at the intersection of Burmaginykh and Mayakovskogo streets. Sculptor - Oleg Uvarov.

Div. also

Write a review about the article "Gerasim of Vologda"


  1. "Miracles and deeds of that glorious new appearance of the reverend and memorable Father of our Gerasim."
  2. Veryuzky V. Venerable Gerasim, founder of the Trinity Kaisar Monastery, Vologda miracle worker. Vologda, 1879. Z. 3.
  3. "Miracles and deeds and glorious new appearances of the reverend and memorable Father of our Gerasim"
  4. // Maly encyclopedic vocabulary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg. , 1907-1909.
  5. Vologda of the last thousand years: draw the history of the place. - Vologda, "Ancient Pivnochi", 2006 (2nd view.)
  6. .
  7. ГІМ, zіbr. Uvarova, No. 1247 (107) (134), in a selection of Russian lives cob XVIII c., on l. 69-81 pro .: "The month of the sickle on the 19th day, the memory of our reverend father Gerasim, Vologda miracle worker" (25 miracles, from 1649)
  8. “Miracles and deeds and glorious newly-appeared creation of the venerable and ever-memorable father of our Gerasim, which is in the Holy Trinity, up the hill from the field overlooking Priluk, which is near Kaisar’s glass”
  9. "The month of birch on the 4th day of our reverend father Gerasim of Vologda, the head of the Trinity monastery, which is near Kaisar's stem" (at the warehouse "Alphabet" of the Old Believer monastery. Ioni Kerzhensky - YaMZ. Inv. No. 15544. L. 111 pro., 18 07-1811 rr.).
  10. // Orthodox Encyclopedia. - M, 2006. T. 11. S. 142-144
  11. Stara Vologda: XII - post. XX century: Zb. documents and materials. - Vologda, 2004. S. 421, 517
  12. New icon painting original, MDA, 2008 r_k
  13. Zvedeniya icon-painting original of the 18th century. behind the list of G. D. Filimonov. M., 1874


  • Boyarischev V. A. Trinity-Gerasimivska Church / V. A. Boyarischev // Meson. - 2000. - N 9. - S. 16: il.
  • Bashenkin A. N., Kukushkin I. P. Ancient Vologda // Vologda: Іst.-kraєznavets. alm. - Vologda, 1994. - VIP. 1. - S. 29-45: il. - Bibliogr. in a straight line for example, Art.
  • Vasiliev Yu. S. Gerasim of Vologda and the cob of Vologda // Vologda: Krayznavets. alm. - Vologda, 1997. - VIP. 2. - S. 588-600.
  • Vasiliev P.P.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additions). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Garanina T. "Gerasim the great fox will come ..." // Russian Pivnich (Friday). - 1997. - 27 worms. - S. 1-2
  • Gerasim of Vologda, reverend (1178) // Encyclopedia of Orthodox Holiness: T. 1. - M., 1997. - P. 131
  • Historical sayings about the life of the saints, who worked at the Vologda eparchy, are glorified by the whole church and monastic chanting. - M.: Pravoslav. St. Tikhon. theologian. in-t, . - 692, III, p.
  • Lazarev I. At the summer haunt of Vologda // Chervona Pivnich. - 1997. - 12 quarters.
  • Markelov, G. V. Zvіd opisіv // Markelov G. V. Holy Ancient Rus': Materials from iconography: (Drawings and proofs, iconographic originals): [In 2 volumes]. - M., 1998. - T. 2. - S. 35-245
  • About urochistnosti near Vologda on the riddle of the Vologda Venerable Gerasim // Vologda Gubernski Vіdomosti. - 1895. - N34. - p. 6
  • "The Tale of Miracles" by Gerasim Vologodsky / Publ. Yu. S. Vasil'eva, Y. A. Malisheva // Vologda: Krayznavets. alm. - Vologda, 1997. - VIP. 2. - S. 601-619
  • Roman, priest. Vologda saints: [Explanation of the Rizdvo-Bogoroditsky priest cathedral O. Romana] / Recorded by O. Krutikova // Vologda news. - 1997. - N 27 (3-9 limes). - p. 6
  • Suvorov N.I. Reverend Gerasim, Vologda miracle worker and Trinity Kaisarovsky, founded by him, monastery // Vologod. Eparch. Vedas. - 1868. - N5. - P.115 - 133.
  • Khalturina N. Vologda saints // Russian Vognik. - Vologda, 1996. - N 24 (28 worms-4 limes).


Lesson that characterizes Gerasim Vologodsky

Why do you think the daytime of these zakidiv?
For someone who is such a historical person, like Alexander I, a person who stood on the most powerful stage of human power, do not be at the focus of the blind light of all historical changes, who are rooted in the new; a person, as if she inspired the strongest in the world intrigues, deceptions, forestry, self-deception, as inseparable from power; resemblance, as if it were seen on oneself, the skin of one’s life, reproach for everything that happened in Europe, and the reproach is not vigadan, but alive, like a skin person, with its own special sounds, addictions, exercising for good, beauty, and stiny, - what a disguise, fifty years ago, not those who didn’t honestly (for this, historians don’t tell), and not a little quietly looking at the welfare of people, like a professor now, like a young man engaged in science, that reading books, lectures and copying tsikh books and lectures in one zoshit.
But let’s admit that Oleksandr I is fifty years old, having had mercy on his duma, what is the good of the people, let me let go, like a historian judging Oleksandr, so the very next hour to appear unfair, his duma є the good of the people. It’s more natural and necessary, that, postering for the development of history, Bachimo, that with skin fate, with the skin of a new writer, the thought of those who are the welfare of people is changed; so those who were given good, after ten years - evil; and navpak. Moreover, at one time we know in the history of the past, look at those who were evil and who were good: some gave Poland a constitution and the Holy Union merit, others reproach Oleksandr.
It is impossible to say about the activity of Oleksandr and Napoleon, whether it was brown or shoddy, but we can’t say for what it is brown and why it is shkidly. If activity is not appropriate for someone, then it is not appropriate for you only in the aftermath of rozbіzhnosti її z obmezhenim razuminnyam yoga about those who are good. Thank you for the blessing of being saved in the 12th roci of my father’s house in Moscow, for the glory of the Russian military, for the prosperity of St. Petersburg and other universities, for the freedom of Poland, for the might of Russia, for the equal of Europe, for to the kind of European enlightenment - progress, I'm mushu know that the activity of a historical individual is small, krіm tsikh tsіley, sche іnshі, zagalnіshі y inaccessible іnі іїlі.
But it is acceptable that this is the name of science, it is possible to reconcile all the protirichcha and may for historical osіb and podіy inevitably reconcile the good and the nasty.
Let's assume that Oleksandr could have done everything differently. It is acceptable, that in a moment, for an attribution, it is quiet, like it’s ringing yoga, quiet, like a profession knowing the end of the movement of people, taking care of the program of the people, freedom, equality and progress current accusers. Suppose that the program was able and folded, and that Oleksandr deyav bi was behind it. What happened to the diyalnistyu of all these people, if they opposed the same direct order, - from the diyalnistyu, like, according to the thought of the historians, the garna is that korisna? There was no activity; there would be no life; nothing would have happened.
If you let it go, that the life of a human being can be twisted by the mind, then the possibility of life will be reduced.

How to admit, how to shy away the historians, that great people lead the people to the reach of their goals, how to change either with the greatness of Russia and France, or in the equal parts of Europe, or in the diversity of the ideas of the revolution, or in the wild progress, and more in be-something, then It is impossible to explain the phenomena of history without understanding about the ups and downs of that genius.
As the meta of the European wars for the beginning of the last century fell on the greatness of Russia, then this meta could be reached without the success of the previous wars and without invasion. If the meta is the greatness of France, then this meta could be achieved both without a revolution and without an empire. If the meta is a broadening of ideas, then the friendliness would be richer, lower soldiers. Like a meta - the progress of civilization, it's easy to admit that, the crime is the blame of people of that yogo wealth, and other dotsilnishі way to expand civilization.
Why did it happen this way, but why not?
Because it happened that way. “Vipadok has built a camp; the genius has succumbed to him," - like a story.
Ale, what is it? What is a genius?
The words vipadok ta genii do not mean anything meaningful and cannot be assigned to that. Tsі words only mean vіdomiy stupіn rozumіnnya yavisch. I do not know why such a manifestation appears; I wonder what I can't know; I don’t want to know that, and I say: vipadok. I'm working on the strength to repair the inexorable power of human power; I don’t know why I’m wondering, and I say: genius.
For a flock of rams, that ram, which is a shovechora bred by a special stall to feed and a flock of widows for others, is guilty of taking care of geniuses. And that furnishing, that the very same ram does not spend the evening of the skin in the sleeping shed, but in a special stall to the vіvs, and that the very same ram, doused with fat, drives into the meat, can be hostile to the geniality s tsilim nearby supra-lingual manifestations.
But it’s better for the rams to stop thinking that everything that works with them is only for the achievement of their sheep’s goals; varto let go, what follows, what is with them, mothers can and do not understand the goals for them, - and they stink at once to indulge in unity, consistency with the one who is with a ram, who is born. If you don’t know the stench, for which you’ve been guilty of years, then, admit it, you know the stink that everything that ate with a ram did not vehemently, and I will no longer need to understand either about anger or about genius.
Tilki zrіkshis znіkshi blizkoї, zrozumіloї meth і recognizing that kіntsev meta is inaccessible to us, we prefer succession and docilnіst in life of historical osіb; we can see the reason for that improbable іz zagalnolyudskimi dominionnosti dії, how the stench cope, and we will not need the words vipadok and genius.
Warto only know that we don’t know about the metaphor of the European peoples, and we don’t know about the facts, that they go around in vbivanie, on the back of France, then in Italy, in Africa, in Prussia, in Austria, in Spain, in Russia, and sho ruhi from sunset at the same time, at the same time, at the beginning, to establish the daytime and the purpose of these podias, and we will not only need to be vinyatkovist and genius in the characters of Napoleon and Alexander і інші; and it’s not only necessary to explain the vipadkovistu of these dry pods, as if they killed these people, which stinks, but it will be clear that all these dry pods were needed.
Having looked at the knowledge of the end of the night, we clearly understand that it’s exactly the same, like it’s impossible to think of other ones, more different ones, color and nasinnya, lower ti, like it’s vibrating, so it’s impossible to invent others two people we’ll pass, as if it were necessary to lay the flooring, to such detailed details of that recognition, as it was necessary for them to vikonate.

The main, summative sense of the European podias of the cob of the nineteenth century є warlike movement of the masses of the European peoples from the sunset Departure and sweat from the Departure. The first ghost of this rush buv ruh from entering the exit. In order for the people to enter that warlike movement to Moscow, which the stench created, it was necessary: ​​1) so that the stench accumulated among the military group of such a magnitude that it could be blamed for the stagnation of the warlike group at once; 2) so that the stench was inspired by the established retellings and zvichok and 3) so that, zdiisnyuyuchi your warlike ruh, stench mali on the choli of their people, yak, and for themselves and for them, could be true deceit, robbery and vibing, yak escorted what ruhu .
In the French Revolution an old, insufficiently large group collapses; old zvichki and retellings are lowered; viroblyayutsya, step by step, a group of new roses, new sounds and retellings, and that person is getting ready, as if they can stand on the top of the future and carry on themselves all the evidence of what they can.
A person without reconciliations, without a voice, without retellings, without a name, not a Frenchman, by themselves, it seems, with marvelous vivacity, sticks out between us in parties that praise France, and, without sticking to them, hang out on a commemorative place.
Non-government of comrades, weakness and incompetence of opponents, breadth of lies and bliss and self-sufficiency of the community of people hang її on the shoulders of the army. The gleaming warehouse of soldiers in the Italian army, the carelessness of fighting opponents, the child's brilliance and self-sufficiency swell the glory of the military. Numerical kіlkіst pro vipadkovnosti suprovodzhuє yoma skrіz. It is disgraceful to serve you at the expense of the rulers of France. Try to change your appointments, you won’t go into the path: you won’t be hired for service in Russia, and you won’t be able to assign yoga to Turechchini. Under the hour of war in Italy, the cult of times is on the verge of death and soon rages in an incompetent rank. Russian warriors, tі, yakі can zruynuvate yoga glory, from different diplomatic mirkuvan, do not enter before Europe doti, docks vin there.
If you turn back from Italy, you know the order in Paris at the process of laying out, in which people, like in the whole order, will inevitably be erased and reduced. And by itself for the new є vyhіd іz th th unsafe camp, which perebuvaє in a stupid, causeless expedition to Africa. Well, I know that this is the name of vipadkovosti accompanying youma. Unapproachable Malta is built without a post; the best-protected arrangements will be crowned with success. The fortune-telling fleet, which does not miss the next hour, passes the whole army. In Africa, over the innocent Mayzhe inhabitants, there is a number of low evils. I people, like committing evil things, and especially their kerivnik, sing to themselves, what is beautiful, what is glory, what is similar to Caesar and Alexander of Macedon and what is good.
That ideal of glory and greatness, which lies in the fact that not only we don’t respect anything for ourselves, but we write with all our malice, attributing unreasonable supranatural significance to it, - this ideal, which is guilty them with her people, in the open space viroblyaetsya in Africa. Everything that does not rob you, you go into it. The plague does not stick to the new one. Zhorstokіst vbivstviya polonenyh not put you at the province. In a childish way, unbearable, causeless and ignoble yogo from Africa, comrades at the bіdі, put you in merit, and again the fortune-telling fleet of the dvіchі vtrachaє yogo. At that hour, like wines, already calling for intoxication with happy mischief, ready for your role, without longing for coming to Paris, then the laying out of the republican order, as if it could have happened to him, now it’s gone to the extreme stage, and presence wow, fresh look party people now only can do yoga.
Vіn not maє zhodnogo plan; you are the most afraid; but the parties are hoarding a new one and taking another part.
Vіn odin, zіm svoїblenim in Іtalії and egyptі ideal glory and greatness, zі іn madness self-deification, zі its boastfulness of wickedness, zі its breadth of nonsense, іn alone you can tell the truth є vіdbutisya.
Wine is needed for that place, as a check for a new one, and for that, it may be independent of your will and irrespective of your irresponsibility, for the day of the plan, for all pardons, for slaying wine, for being drawn into the spirit, for what you can vovolodinnya with power, and zmova will be crowned with success.
Yogo vshtovhuyut at the meeting of the rulers. Perelakany, vіn want to bіgti, vvazhayuchi themselves perish; pretending to be unobtrusive; to speak stupid words, as if to destroy Yogo. Ale, the rulers of France, let us be smart and proud, now, vdchuvayuchi, that the role of theirs is played, even more, less wine, it seems not the same words, as if they would need to speak, to reduce power and bring misfortune.
Vipadkovist, millioni vipadkovy give him power, and all people, no matter how fast, adopt the affirmation of power. Vipadkovosti to shy away the characters of the current rulers of France, who are under the order of you; vipadkovosti to shy character of Paul I, who knows his power; vipadkovіst to rob against the new spirit, not only not to mischief youma, but to strengthen his dominion. Vipadkovistity sends you into the hands of Yengiensky and inadvertently crushes him, beat him, by yourself, stronger for all others, reconquering the natovp, which wins can be right, shards of wins can force. Vipadkovіst to rob those, scho vіn exerting all forces on the expedition to England, yak, obviously, zapasili yogo, and in no way victorious over the world, but inadvertently attack Mack with the Austrians, yakі zdayutsya without a fight. Vipadkovіst and genіalnіst to give you a win under Austerlitz, and vipadkovo all people, not only the French, but also the whole of Europe, for the wine of England, as if I did not take part in the podіyah, sho mаyut vіdbutisya, all people, regardless of the count ishnіy zhakh i wіdrazu yogo wickedness, now I will recognize his power, I will name him, giving him wine, and yoga the ideal of the greatness of that glory, which is given to everyone by the beautiful and reasonable.